Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Mrs Josephine Fani Ziggar from France, a carer of orphans and children, was surprised one day to find herself in a debilitating condition. As she tried to move, the pain increased until she found herself at a standstill. Upon visiting the doctors, she was diagnosed with lumbar spondylosis and osteoarthritis in both knees. The doctors gave her medication and a lumbar corset but could not cure her problem. The pain increased to such an extent that she was forced to retire from her work. Her in-laws became her carers and had to help her in her every daily activity.
After several painful months, her son introduced her to Emmanuel TV. Witnessing the healing and deliverance of others increased her faith and she determined to visit The SCOAN for her healing in Jesus’ name.
Placed at The SCOAN Prayer Line, one of the wise men prayed for her and she felt heat move through her body. She then stood up and began to walk, to the glory of God. Since that day, she has been walking freely and has not experienced any of the pain of the past. To her joy, she has also been able to return to her work and to the children she cares so much about.
Giving glory to God, she advised all who were watching to put their trust and faith in Jesus Christ for His mercy and divine healing.

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