Tuesday, December 16, 2014


A strong believer in the God of T.B. Joshua, Mr Benjamin Ogbodo told the congregation of his daily habit of ministering the Anointing Water over himself, his business and his home before setting off for work. On the fateful day of which he came to testify, he did the same thing he did every morning, not knowing that he was about to see the power of God manifest greatly in his life. Mr Benjamin was going to the main road to meet a customer when armed robbers unleashed an assault on a nearby bank which was transferring money in an armoured vehicle. The bullet fire was like a hailstorm – peppering a policeman and several people around the area but none was closer to the gang men than Mr Benjamin. Hit in his back, he dropped into a gutter yet said he felt no pain and no panic but something spoke to his heart telling him not to move but lie still where he fell. The chaos continued without an intermission and in a flash the robbers mounted on motorbikes made off with the bank’s money and made their getaway. As people began to move around to assess the situation, Mr Benjamin felt strength come into him and he climbed out of the gutter and went his way. However, on seeing him, his friends took him to the hospital with two wounds in his back. At the hospital, the doctors discovered that a bullet had entered deep into his back and that it was too deep for the doctors to operate on. He was given medicine and told that such a bullet would take a long time to come to the surface where they could remove it surgically. He went home and began to minister his Anointing Water in earnest over the affected area and in a matter of days, the bullet came to his skin and was removed. He suffered no internal damage, bruising, bleeding or other injuries thereafter. Smiling broadly at how death had been swallowed up in victory in his life, he told viewers worldwide that they should trust in God alone and as He had rescued him, He would begin to make a way for them as they make God’s Word the standard for their life

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