Monday, December 15, 2014


Deaconess Odunayo was plagued by a terrible curse of persistent armed robbery. Anytime she left her house or shop, they would be burgled and her valuable items stolen. This continued for 15 years. Frustrated, she was advised to consult a witchdoctor. Even though she was a deacon in her church, she felt helpless and went to collect a charm for protection. After placing the charm in her house, the problem worsened severely. Armed robbers began coming when she was still present in the house; at one point, they even woke her up in her bedroom and threatened to rape her.
When all hope seemed lost and with the majority of her valuable and precious possessions in the hands of criminals, she was advised to visit The SCOAN to seek the face of God. She received the Anointing Water and Stickers and with them, came a great surge of hope. From the moment she ministered the Anointing Water and placed the Anointing Stickers in her house and shop, no armed robber entered her home or disturbed her peace again. Testifying to the total transformation, she said that her neighbours even began to ask her permission before cutting any vegetables from her garden or trees!
Advising viewers via Emmanuel TV, she said, “God has a way of solving your problem. Trust Him – He will solve yours as He did mine”.

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