Monday, June 30, 2014


The case of Rebecca Idi, a young Ghanaian, baffled medical doctors. Needles had mysteriously appeared all over her body without any physical encounter or explanation. After the needles had been removed surgically, they would return five-fold, a fact attested to by an x-ray which showed the needles increasing throughout her body. It left the surgeon in charge of her case bewildered as there was no plausible scientific reason for the phenomena. A total of 18 needles had been removed from her body but hundreds more returned, causing Rebecca excruciating pain and discomfort on a daily basis. She was forced to leave school and stay isolated at home because of the strange condition.
After Rebecca was taken to a spiritualist in Ghana, her case only seemed to worsen. It was at this point that a family friend recommended she be bought to The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria. Addressing her situation, Prophet T.B. Joshua stated that the needles had entered her body through an incantation inspired by evil spirits and thus, only they could only leave through a command in the power of the Holy Spirit. He further explained that when your situation has become a curse, it is beyond mere natural or medical help; it requires Divine intervention. Later on, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for the young girl who instantly fell to the ground.
At that moment, she explained that she felt a strange force leaving her body! Rushing to the toilet, the elated Ghanaian began checking her body and screamed for joy. All signs and traces of the needles that she formerly felt in her body, alongside the excruciating pain that accompanied it, had disappeared in a glorious instant! Returning to the congregation, she joyfully testified that she could no longer feel the pricking of the mysterious needles and her body felt light! A Ghanaian medical doctor from the congregation came forward to check Rebecca, testifying that she had never heard of such a case and praising God for His miraculous intervention. “Where are the needles?” a delighted Rebecca asked the congregation, stunned that God had removed in a moment what had plagued her life and baffled medical doctors for years. Thank You, Jesus Christ!!!

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