Monday, June 30, 2014


PASTOR & MRS. KIM JEONG SHOO  Pastor and Mrs Kim Jeong Shoo from South Korea came to testify to the greatness of God for the mighty healing He executed in their lives through a touch by Prophet T.B. Joshua during the Pastors’ Conference in South Korea early this year. Mrs Jeong Shoo had been experiencing ceased menstruation for ten horrible years. Because of this problem, she could not conceive. Being a pastor’s wife, she suffered humiliation and was depressed. Desperate, they visited many hospitals but there was no solution. Some specialists suggested a test-tube baby which she refused. She and her husband were also contemplating adopting a child. She, nevertheless, continued to believe that one day God would see her through. Pastor Jeong Shoo said the problem affected him a great deal as a minister of God. People began to ask how a pastor could have  no child for ten years. He was also not allowed to facilitate weddings at his church for the same reason. When they learned about the Pastors’ Conference with Prophet T.B. Joshua, their hopes lifted and they knew that their solution was just a touch away. She prayed for God to locate her and intervene in her dire situation. When the man of God approached her on that memorable day, she felt a breeze of wind blow into her life. Immediately, she felt pain in her stomach and her menstruation which had ceased began to flow. Today, they are a happy couple redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ and a living testimony of His ability. They advised, “There is nothing impossible with the Almighty God.”

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