Monday, June 30, 2014


Source by thetbjoshuafanclub
Last Sunday came with its glory and passed with great splendor to mark yet another special day at The SCOAN when God was worshipped in the beauty of His holiness during the Live Sunday Service. Not even the heavy rains could dampen the spirits of those who had braved the downpour to attend the service and have an encounter with our Lord, Jesus Christ. The sound of thousands of believers praying together, thundered like the roar of raging waters, in The SCOAN sanctuary where those under the bondage of satan were to be set free for the salvation of their souls. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, excited the already elated congregants and millions of Emmanuel TV viewers across the world when he touched on the issue of the new Anointing Water which he said would be made available soon.
Explaining the reasons behind the new Anointing Water, he said, “I want to see everyone being healed and delivered. This is my desire. When you receive it, I want to see you coming back to share your testimony. It is possible. Even if you don’t have faith, you will be healed immediately. It is like when you don’t believe that a snake can bite. Later, if it bites, you believe that it can bite. This is what will happen to the next Anointing Water.With Christ, all things are possible.”
The man of God then prophesied to the congregation before proceeding to minister healing and deliverance at the prayer line where people from various parts of the world converged for the touch of the Holy Spirit. Earlier, Wise Man Christopher delivered a compelling message titled, TOMORROW IS A MYSTERY, highlighting the uncertainty of man’s life and how only God Almighty determines the future.
Likening life to a flower which blossoms for a while and withers sooner, Wise Man Christopher said no one knows by the present signs or situations what the future holds for him but God. As such, he said, Christians should not exclude God in their decision-making but watch and pray. He enthused: “Those who exclude God today in their plans or battles are certainly not prepared for tomorrow. There is no excuse for being surprised at the uncertainty of coming events because God has purposely left us in the dark concerning future events. When I say, ‘today is our own, tomorrow is not’, this does not mean we should not make thoughtful and watchful provision for the future, nor does it consist in unnecessary anxiety or worry about tomorrow. It only stresses our need to involve God in everything we do, to trust Him and His Kingdom and free ourselves of worry about tomorrow. Does worrying about tomorrow guarantee one’s future? Only God can.”
He explained further: “The blessing of the world is a fading thing; so is the life upon which it is bestowed. But the blessing of God enriches our soul for eternity. Therefore, the rich should not concentrate on their wealth, while the poor should not concentrate on their misery. Let their minds rise and seek the things that are above, because Jesus has risen. It is by this attitude that we can detach ourselves from the lure of worldly possessions. Remember that treasures on earth have their habit of disappointing their owners as they don’t offer permanent security.Only treasures stored up in Heaven are permanent and secure. They retain their value because they are under God’s own security. Let’s focus on serving God so that we can be sure of tomorrow. When we are in God’s strong arms, we can confidently say, ‘Yes, I will be around tomorrow.’ ”

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