Monday, June 30, 2014


It was a day of devotion fully packed with healings, deliverances, prophecies and powerful messages. This was the prevailing atmosphere that radiated The SCOAN last Sunday with the admonition for worshippers and viewers all over the world to always love one another irrespective of their faith differences. The admonition by the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua just before the closing mass prayer was not without reason. The congregation had just witnessed a powerful deliverance of a man who manifested and later was confirmed to having been a Boko Haram member and involved in many evil operations. The astounding deliverance came less than one month after a similar incident. Addressing the issue, the man of God who had made an impromptu return to the altar, dwelled on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of love.
Prophet T.B. Joshua
Prophet T.B. Joshua
He explained, “One thing you must know – we are fighting evil spirits that steal, kill and destroy. Let us not fight our neighbors. We live together and work together. It is evil spirits we are fighting; let us not fight our neighbors. No one can bomb people or kill innocent lives without being under the influence of evil spirits. It’s not possible for your neighbor to do that; it takes an evil spirit to do so.”
Prophet T.B. Joshua had, earlier on, preached on the need for Christians to acknowledge God’s ability and thank Him even before they have received. He said the problem with people today is that they wait to receive before they can thank God. This, said the man of God, is wrong, noting that: “If you know that your God can do all things, why are you waiting for Him to do it before thanking Him? You must believe it is done before you ask.” He then ministered deliverance, prophecy and healing to people who had come to the arena of liberty from all over the world.
Wise Man Harry
Wise Man Harry
Mounting the pulpit earlier in the day, Wise Man Harry preached an inspiring message titled: Our Response As A Christian, which spoke to the hearts of Christians against rejoicing over one another’s tragedies in life. Quoting Galatians 6:1 and 1 Corinthians 10:12, he said: “When someone falls, don’t rejoice! Restore them. If you reject one on account of his or her weakness, you also reject his strength. This means, if you know your friend’s weakness, help him instead of rejecting him because a person who is a thorn in your flesh today, may be the one to help you tomorrow. Don’t reject anyone on account of their weakness today because tomorrow is a mystery.”

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