Monday, June 30, 2014


Mrs Ojo Omoyemwen was racing against time. The doctors wanted her operated on without delay. What had started as an ordinary pain in her right side had become a nightmare that now threatened her life. Mrs Ojo had been going about her normal duties one day when she felt pain in one of her sides. After taking painkillers, she went to hospital and received drugs but even these, prescribed as they were, failed to bring any improvement. Sleeping became an excruciating battle. She was bothered, went back and requested for an X-ray. Her fears were soon confirmed. The doctors discovered a tumour in her kidney which needed immediate operation to remove one kidney.
Mrs Ojo Omoyemwen
Mrs Ojo Omoyemwen
They gave her an appointment but when she visited the hospital again the following week for another check-up ahead of the operation, the doctors told her the operation had to be fast-tracked. If she did not go for the operation, they said, the government would not be held responsible for any complications that might arise. She decided to go to a teaching hospital for a second opinion and, again, they recommended an operation. Believing God is the Healer of all ailments, she decided to come to The SCOAN where she received the Anointing Water. To her surprise, a few days after ministering the Anointing Water, she became better and was able to sleep on either side of her body. She went back to the hospital for a test and the doctors found, to their utter disbelief, that the tumour had disappeared. Today, she is completely free of any kidney problem. She advised people in her situation not to despair but have trust in God.

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