Monday, June 30, 2014


She could barely breathe. As the crowds surged forward, pushing to enter the stadium, Mercy knew that the end was nigh. To her right, she saw a body lying unconscious, the crowd trampling on the lifeless frame unperturbed. Suddenly, a force from behind pushed her off balance and Mercy fell. Darkness reigned as the stampede surged forward and the young job-seeker lost all consciousness. One week later, Mercy opened her eyes to discover she was in a hospital ward. An oxygen mask was fitted to her face and doctors were fighting for her survival. Miss Mercy Attaidu was a victim of the fatal stampede in the National Stadium in Abuja when a job interview for the Nigerian Immigration Services drew an unprecedented crowd. Finally regaining consciousness, Mercy was informed by doctors that a bone in her neck had shifted as a result of a fracture and her spinal cord was severely damaged. Released from hospital several months later, she was given a walking frame, lumbar corset and neck collar to support her and booked for an operation on her neck.
Apart from the physical agony, bitterness toward the authorities responsible for the calamity welled up in her heart. What began as a hopeful search for employment after graduating ended up with her being partially paralyzed. As despondency continued to increase its grip, a friend recommended Mercy, a native of Kogi State, to visit The SCOAN and receive prayer before undergoing the operation. In the prayer line, as Prophet T.B. Joshua approached her and began to pray, the miraculous unfolded! Immediately after prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit, the terrible pain she had been experiencing vanished and she began to walk freely without the use of her walking aids! Apart from her physical healing, Prophet T.B. Joshua advised Mercy to remove the grudge she had in her heart toward Nigeria and promised to help her get a job. Two weeks down the line, Mercy stood before The SCOAN congregation to testify that she is completely healed and no longer needed an operation! She said that her love for the nation Nigeria had been restored and her zeal for life supernaturally replenished. Thank You, Jesus!

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