Monday, June 30, 2014


“I sold my soul to satan to get what I wanted.” These were the words of Mr Frank Kpodzo, a young Ghanaian who explained how his idolatrous and struggling family background pushed him into the dark world of a secret cult. Frank was a freemason. Initially told that the ‘group’ was merely a social gathering with financial perks attached, it was only after initiation that Mr Frank realized the spiritual covenant he had entered by becoming a freemason. He was initiated in a Masonic Lodge where his clothes were removed, his face blindfolded and an oath of secrecy taken. Upon becoming a freemason member, Frank learned there were degrees or levels of influence in the cult, the highest being the 53rd degree. He himself reached the 22nd degree where his understanding was broadened to know that the covenant he had entered by joining freemasonry was to sell his soul to satan in exchange for worldly riches.
Sent on assignments to influence youth to join the cult, he explained how he would socialize with young people at clubs and entice them to join. By so doing, countless young people had been initiated into this satanic society through Frank’s influence. He explained that the more people he brought to join freemasonry, the higher he was upgraded in the cult. Mr Frank confessed that although he was a drunkard, smoker and womanizer before, these bad habits increased exponentially upon his initiation. Although he had money, he lacked peace as realization that he was hell-bound at death dawned on him. It was only when he discovered Emmanuel TV that he saw a greater spiritual power at work and resolved to leave the secret cult. However, with such a strong spiritual connection, merely desiring to leave was not enough.

Mr. Frank needed deliverance. Coming to The SCOAN, he received prayer from Wise Man Harry where the evil spirit, stemming from an idol his family worshipped, was exposed and expelled. Last Sunday was his return to The SCOAN to testify that after deliverance, he slept peacefully, had no more spiritual encounters with freemason members in his dreams and no more urge to smoke, drink, masturbate or womanize. He advised youth not to allow their situations to derail them to satanic deception, knowing that God’s power is above all!

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