Monday, June 30, 2014


Addicted to smoking, drinking and clubbing for 16 years, Mr Foluwa Ukuti described that time period as wasted. He worked hard to earn a living as a supplier of sand for the building industry but there was nothing he could point at. For 20 years, he could not even develop a piece of land he owned. All the money he made was poured into these woeful addictions – women, beer and smoking. All this bothered his wife who had to stand his aggressiveness which came along with his smoking and drinking. She hardly enjoyed her life as a married woman. Knowing that God is the solution provider, they came to The SCOAN, received the Anointing Water and ministered it by faith. Instantly, he felt something leave his body and was very light afterwards. He discovered that the next time he went to the beer parlour, the smell of alcohol alone made him nauseous and even cigarette smoke was not a pleasing odour to him like before. Something great had happened in his life; he was delivered. Now able to save money which he had been wasting on clubbing, he was able to buy the materials to build a house and is now a proud owner of his own beautiful and spacious home. As if that was not enough, one night, his baby daughter stopped breathing and had turned pale. She was lifeless. He remembered the Anointing Water. Spraying it on her with a prayer of faith, she gasped for air and was instantly revived. Glory be to God!

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