Monday, June 30, 2014


MR & MRS TONY EGBERIAbject poverty is too mild a term to describe the condition Mr and Mrs Tony Egberi found themselves in. Instead of enjoying a marital life of bliss as they had hoped for, their fortunes took a dramatic turnaround for the worse soon after they had tied the knot. Mr Tony had a Masters degree in Public Administration but could not find a job for the life of him. His wife, a qualified nurse, lost her job. Their circumstances became so dismal that it was his sister-in-law who was supporting the entire household, including the children’s feeding and school fees. Mr Egberi, running out of options, moved to Abuja, where he ended up sleeping in a friend’s furniture shop, almost like a guard. The foam used to cover the furniture items became his mattress and pillow. Acknowledging that the state of his affairs was abnormal, he resolved to seek for deliverance from Someone powerful, wiser and smarter than him – Jesus Christ. He came in faith to The SCOAN, received prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua and immediately claimed the blessing that would follow.
A very short while after his return, he received an unusual call from his auntie asking for his resume. She promptly applied for a lecturing job for him. The next thing he knew was that he was being called for an interview and then given an appointment letter. He is now an Assistant Lecturer in the Political Science Department at one of the prestigious universities in Nigeria. Mrs Egberi at the same time was called for a job as a state nurse at a hospital in Cross River State. To add to the mighty blessings, their ten-year old daughter, Confidence who had been bedwetting since birth, prayed with Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV and her bedwetting ceased from that moment. Their case which had turned around for worse had now turned around for the better because of Christ. Their advice was: Look unto the Lord and He will meet you at the appointed time.

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