Friday, April 25, 2014


TEaster celebrations, which started with Palm Sunday last week, culminated into a din of euphoria at The SCOAN on Sunday with visitors, who came from all over the world, worshipping God for the sacrificial Lamb, Jesus Christ. The day, which started with a message of hope and triumph from Wise Man Daniel, blossomed and burst into a frenzy of celebration with the church choir seamlessly blending their choruses with the day’s message. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, full with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, stepped to the altar and decreed calmness in people’s lives.
Citing Matthew 8:26, a Scripture depicting how Jesus Christ arose and rebuked the storm on the sea, Prophet T.B. Joshua faced the congregation and prophetically declared: “When we talk of the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, we are talking of a new life, life anew, a new beginning in every area of your life. Be it your health, be it your finances, be it your business, be it your career, you are here to receive a new life. Let there be calmness!” The moving power of the Holy Spirit swept through the congregation, throwing many to the floor and forcing some to vomit out poisonous substances, signifying their rescue from the claws of the devil.
Apart from revealing hidden truths to individuals through prophecy, the man of God spoke to nations and prayed for the world to receive calmness in all sectors. He also ministered to people at the prayer line where God manifested the resurrection power of Jesus Christ by restoring people to what he had created them. Many were healed in the name of Jesus Christ and many more were delivered from contrary spirits.
During the Saturday prophetic service on the previous day, Prophet T.B. Joshua had given a message titled, ‘THE LIFE YOU ENJOY’ which dwelt on the importance of aligning our hearts and mouths with God’s Word. “What kind of life are you enjoying?” Prophet T.B. Joshua asked the congregation. “The words you speak determine the life you enjoy. That is, the words a man speaks create the blessings or curses that come his way. Your mouth is the revealer of the belief in your heart. Talk what you believe. This is the challenge we all have today.” He explained that one may profess Christianity with their mouths and yet not be such in heart. “If heart and mouth get in accord with God’s Word, the blessings of God’s Word begin to be tapped,” he emphasised.
WISEMAN DANIELOn Sunday, Wise Man Daniel delivered a compelling message celebrating Easter titled: ‘THE MOST PRECIOUS COMMODITY’ which was a reflection of Jesus’ life and suffering for the purpose of ‘restoring man’s lost relationship with God.’ He said the wisest decision one can make in life as a Christian is to trust in Jesus Christ.
He said of Jesus, “He stands to be accepted or to be rejected. You can choose to be false to Him if you will or to be faithful to Him through good. The choice is yours. But this is the Gospel truth: Jesus Christ is the only way to peace and comfort while satan is the sure way to bitterness, pain and death. In other words, satan comes to kill, steal and destroy while Jesus Christ comes to give life and life in abundance, through the blood He shed on the cross of Calvary, which is the most precious commodity in the history of mankind”.
Citing various Scriptures such as Colossians 1:19-20, Revelations 5:12 and Matthew 23:37 which all resonate Jesus as being worthy of our faith, affection, devotion, time, money, possession and giving, Wise Man Daniel summed up: “Those who choose to serve the Lord in truth and in faith, those who have resolved in sincerity to make the Lord their keeper, refuge and shelter, shall be delivered from the malice of the powers of darkness. Whatever others say of God, He is our God, Healer, Deliverer, Comforter, Teacher, Counsellor, Intercessor, Friend in life, Redeemer and Partner. Whether He heals me or not, Jesus Christ is the Healer. Don’t change your confession every other day.”

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