Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Last Sunday service was another demonstration of how abundantly willing the almighty God is to set His people free from bondage and for the salvation of their souls.  The service, which was highly charged with the moving force of the Holy Spirit, was indeed another manifestation of God’s holiness and might over darkness and evil as the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua and the wise men, ministered to the congregation, in Jesus’ name, breaking all kinds of yoke in the lives of the congregants and viewers of Emmanuel TV. Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for the sick at the prayer line, prophesied and delivered many from evil afflictions in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Earlier on, Wise Man Daniel preached on a life-transforming message titled: ‘God Does As He Wills’ which centered on God’s sovereignty in executing His master plan in people’s lives. Choosing 1 Samuel 16:6-13 as proof text, he emphasised that while Prophet Samuel considered appearance, size and experience in the warfare when sent by God to anoint one of the sons of Jesse, God Himself had chosen the least among them.
He preached, “By His grace, God looked at the shepherd boy, David and saw in him a mighty king. Today, when we are looking for a friend, a partner or someone to head the church, we are tempted to look only at the externals – outward qualities such as speaking skills, educational background, ability to inspire people, friendliness and talent. God chooses grace rather than works.”  He reiterated that God is not looking for the qualified but those available; not for the proud and arrogant but the humble in heart.
“As members of Christ’s body, we should do our duties as allotted to us by God who is the giver of various spiritual gifts and not to be envious of other gift-carriers because engaging in envy and jealousy, eventually makes you to grumble, murmur and rebel against God or query His supremacy,” he said.

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