Friday, April 25, 2014


Fibroids have fast become one of the most common afflictions tormenting women and, when Judith Kuzilwa from Tanzania discovered she had become victim, she was depressed. What started simple with internal heat surged into severe pain she could no longer bear. JUDITH KUZILWATo her utter disbelief, doctors told her that she had not one but two fibroids. She went back home to digest the bad news. Two months later, she went back to the doctor for another scan and she was told the fibroids had doubled in size and that the only solution was to go for an operation. Thank God, she had seen many people delivered from the problem through the Anointing Water. She received hers from a close friend and ministered it in Jesus’ name. When she went back to the hospital for another test, the results confirmed that Jesus Christ is indeed the great Physician. She no longer had fibroids! She was healed from a problem that had tormented her for five years. Praise God!

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