Friday, April 25, 2014


source by thetbjoshuafanclub
ImageThe man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, straight from a pastors’ conference in South Korea, on Sunday engaged the congregation with an inspiring and powerful teaching on faith. Referring to various scriptures in the Bible, he said people should not look at themselves as the basis for faith but at God because faith cannot be manufactured. Faith, he explained, grows naturally and spontaneously the more one knows God.
“Never ask yourself if you have faith. The more you ask yourself these questions, the less your faith. We are not talking of faith in faith or faith in yourself; we are talking of faith in God. You cannot manufacture faith. If faith would be in pastors or saints, faith would be weak and fragile,” he said, adding, “Faith is holding on to what God has promised. Whether your faith is great or small is not the issue. The issue is, if God has promised, will He lie or change? Your coming here shows you know God. And when you know God, faith will spontaneously grow. You are committing yourself and your things to Someone smarter, cleverer and more powerful – that is why you are here.”
Aided by the scriptures in John 14:25-27 and Romans 10:17, he said, “Faith comes out by hearing the Word of Christ. If my Father promised me something, I believe He will give me that thing. My belief is solid because I believe on the promise of my Father. If God’s Word is Spirit, it is capable of developing a spiritual force within our heart called faith. Ask God to give you the grace not to be ignorant of your faith under the tension and pressure of your sickness, disease, temptation, limitation.”
Earlier in the day, Wise Man Christopher preached a life-transforming message titled, ‘Positive Examples’ whose proof text was Matthew 5:17-20 and centred on the lifestyle of Jesus Christ as a worthy example who stood against evil not just by His Words but also by His deeds.
ImageHe explained, “Many have fallen because of being influenced by people who set a bad example. All of us have had a father, friend, mentor or coach but not all of us have had a father, friend, mentor or a coach we want to be like. This ought to motivate us to seek out a worthy example. Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, is the worthy example. When we have a relationship with Jesus Christ, we will change and become men or women who are directed by the Holy Ghost, not by the influence of others. Only then, are we Christians.”

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