Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Prophet T.B. Joshua
Prophet T.B. Joshua
Last Sunday was, by all descriptions, one of shocking revelations as light subdued darkness and triumphed over wicked principalities that have continued to perpetrate evil among mankind! What started like any normal day of worship at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria blossomed and erupted into a day of glory when the name of the Lord was hugely magnified as He demonstrated His infinite power to protect and defend His children from evil machinations!
The service began with a message from Wise Man Christopher who taught on the nature of God as Spirit and why He is worthy of all the glory. He preached with boldness and insight on the message: “THE REAL OBJECT OF WORSHIP”, beseeching the congregants and viewers of Emmanuel TV to know the God they worship lest they give reverence to idols – anything that is placed above God in their hearts. Aided by the scripture in John 4:23-24 as proof text; he said God is Spirit for He is an infinite and eternal mind, an intelligent being, incorporeal, immaterial, invisible and incorruptible. If God were not a Spirit, he said, He could not be perfect, infinite, eternal, independent, or the Father of spirits.
Wiseman Christopher
Wiseman Christopher
He said, “If we do not worship God who is a Spirit in the Spirit, we neither give Him the glory due to His name nor do we perform the true act of worship from which we can hope to obtain His favor and acceptance. Therefore, we miss the end of the worship which is the salvation of our souls. Then, it means we worship ourselves.”
Wise Man Christopher said because God is Spirit, Christ came to declare God to mankind that God is a Spirit in the Spirit. “Remember, in the beginning, God, a Spirit, spoke and created the material. This shows that the Spirit is greater than the material. Therefore, we no longer need to go after the symbol when the real object is around, and Jesus is the real object of worship. By His resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ has demonstrated that He is worthy of being the object of our faith, belief and the centre of our own world,” he said.

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