Friday, March 14, 2014


Just end it all. Dangerous thoughts whirled within. As Mr Ubon Ukpong held the disheartening medical document in his hand, suicide seemed like an easy way out of the misery. In the prime of his youth, Mr Ukpong had been tested positive to the deadly disease of HIV/AIDS. Dreams, hopes, ambitions seemed to crumble as the full realisation of what the report he was holding actually meant, dawned on him. As he struggled to compose himself, his brother arrived home. Telling him the grim news, the brother encouraged him not to lose hope, advising him to continue searching for solution. Four years down the line and Mr Ukpong’s condition had deteriorated. The once vibrant and athletic young man was a shadow of his old self.
Mr Ubon Ukpong
Mr Ubon Ukpong
Plagued by persistent weakness and internal aches, he barely scaled through his education and was unable to engage in any form of strenuous activity.
Introduced to Emmanuel TV while in Yobe State doing his NYSC, he decided to take a step of faith and visit The SCOAN in Lagos. Arranged at the prayer line in 2008, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him in the power of the Holy Spirit. As he stretched forth his hand towards Mr Ubon, he testified, a weight fell from his shoulders. Newness of life and vigour were restored in a glorious and Holy Spirit inspired instant. Several months later, Mr Ubon returned to the same hospital, a Federal Medical Center that had initially diagnosed him. The results were astounding: negative!
Readers, what is your situation? If God could reverse the case of Mr Ubon Ukpong from a positive, deadly and incurable virus to negative – there is no curse in your life God cannot reverse!

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