Friday, March 14, 2014


Prophet T.B. Joshua
Prophet T.B. Joshua
Last Sunday was, by all descriptions, one of shocking revelations as light subdued darkness and triumphed over wicked principalities that have continued to perpetrate evil among mankind! What started like any normal day of worship at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria blossomed and erupted into a day of glory when the name of the Lord was hugely magnified as He demonstrated His infinite power to protect and defend His children from evil machinations!
The service began with a message from Wise Man Christopher who taught on the nature of God as Spirit and why He is worthy of all the glory. He preached with boldness and insight on the message: “THE REAL OBJECT OF WORSHIP”, beseeching the congregants and viewers of Emmanuel TV to know the God they worship lest they give reverence to idols – anything that is placed above God in their hearts. Aided by the scripture in John 4:23-24 as proof text; he said God is Spirit for He is an infinite and eternal mind, an intelligent being, incorporeal, immaterial, invisible and incorruptible. If God were not a Spirit, he said, He could not be perfect, infinite, eternal, independent, or the Father of spirits.
Wiseman Christopher
Wiseman Christopher
He said, “If we do not worship God who is a Spirit in the Spirit, we neither give Him the glory due to His name nor do we perform the true act of worship from which we can hope to obtain His favor and acceptance. Therefore, we miss the end of the worship which is the salvation of our souls. Then, it means we worship ourselves.”
Wise Man Christopher said because God is Spirit, Christ came to declare God to mankind that God is a Spirit in the Spirit. “Remember, in the beginning, God, a Spirit, spoke and created the material. This shows that the Spirit is greater than the material. Therefore, we no longer need to go after the symbol when the real object is around, and Jesus is the real object of worship. By His resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ has demonstrated that He is worthy of being the object of our faith, belief and the centre of our own world,” he said.


The phone rang. Not again, Dr Catherine grimaced. She had just received her salary and was accustomed to the bad news that would immediately accompany this. Another family member had died. As she dropped the phone, thoughts began racing. She was a senior lecturer at a prestigious Nigerian University with a healthy salary yet as quickly as the money came, it seemed to disappear.
Dr Catherine
Dr Catherine
Whether it was organizing the burial of a late family member, attending to sudden responsibilities that emerged without any invitation or spending on hospital bills for strange ailments – money could not stay in her hands. Instead of her to spend money, it was spending her! It was becoming too much. As lectures concluded one day and students left the classroom, Dr Catherine returned to her office, knelt down by her chair and began to weep. Unbeknown to her, a student was in the vicinity. Moved at her lecturer’s tears, the student advised her to buy a cable with Christian channels, specifying that if she could tune into Emmanuel TV, her situation would turn around!
Through watching Emmanuel TV, hope resurfaced for the lecturer and she decided to visit The SCOAN. Her financial situation was so severe that she even had to borrow money from fellow lecturers to visit Lagos. The receiving of the Anointing Water signaled the start of a remarkable chain of events that transformed Dr Catherine’s fortunes. The strange events that encroached her each time she received her salary, disappeared, enabling her to save up some funds for the very first time! Shortly afterwards, she was able to buy a car of her own. She further testified that because the Anointing Sticker was placed on her car, even though she lived in an area notorious for criminals, no single thief touched her car. Thereafter, she began planning towards building a house, incredibly having the opportunity to purchase a plot of land. With the foundations for her new house already in place, indeed, the cycle and curses of limitation have been broken in the life of Dr Catherine Agbor


Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. The continuous drone of the life support machine was only the signs of life for the young baby of Goitseone Sekolokwane. Her twins were born prematurely, one dying shortly after birth. The other was diagnosed to have a hole in her heart and chances of survival were medically determined as being practically non-existent. Even if she were to survive, the grim prognosis was that she would be disabled for life, unable to talk or walk. With various tubes fixed to her body and machines littered around, the bed where she lay was a vast medical attempt to preserve the life of the young baby who was a mere 0.6kg when she was born at just 24 weeks. The Motswana who is a resident in Atlanta, Georgia was on the verge of despondency. Doctors had told her never to remove the tubes that enabled her to feed safely but, moved at the desperate sight of her child slowly dying, she decided to remove the tubes and feed her with a bottle.
Goitseone Sekolokwane
Goitseone Sekolokwane
Once nurses discovered this, Mrs Sekolokwana was charged to court for violating the doctor’s orders and her child was snatched from her care.
Desperation at its peak, Goitseone decided to visit The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria, where she was privileged to receive the Anointing Water. The first miracle was a judge acquitting her of maltreating her child and enabling the baby to be returned to her. From there, she began ministering the Anointing Water every day to her baby whilst ensuring she complied with all the medical requirements given to her. Several months later, while returning to the hospital for a checkup, the doctors in charge of her case called her to enter their office. Amazed, they told her that her baby was completely healthy and no longer needed medical devices to support her! Two years later, she is now a healthy, happy child who is walking, talking and boisterously enjoying her young life!


“God of T.B. Joshua, save me!” It was a desperate plea triggered by desperate circumstances. A gun was pointed at Yigermal Embeka’s head. His vehicle, filled with goods for his shop in South Africa, had been carjacked by a large group of notorious bandits. The young Ethiopian had been travelling towards Johannesburg when several vehicles surrounded him, forcing him to halt.
Yigermal Embeka
Yigermal Embeka
Yigermal heard his captives arguing angrily among themselves. His prayer was seeing instantaneous results! As the disagreement within the hijackers heightened, so Mr Embeka’s prayers intensified. Shortly afterwards, the armed bandits pushed him out of the car and sped off. His life was safe but his car was still in custody of the assailants. However, Yigermal was not worried, for the car had the Anointing Stickers.
After contacting the police and describing the scene, he was told the chances of the car’s recovery were extremely slim. His faith didn’t flinch. He told the police that an identifying feature of his car was an Anointing Sticker from T.B. Joshua, written, ‘Let love lead’. Several hours later, a bemused policeman called him back, asking him to clarify about the sticker he said was on his vehicle. “Sir, your car with that sticker on it has been found and nothing has been taken,” he told him! Mr Embeka further added that at the time of his initial visit to The SCOAN he was a struggling businessman but since his return, he is now the proud owner of five flourishing shops!


Just end it all. Dangerous thoughts whirled within. As Mr Ubon Ukpong held the disheartening medical document in his hand, suicide seemed like an easy way out of the misery. In the prime of his youth, Mr Ukpong had been tested positive to the deadly disease of HIV/AIDS. Dreams, hopes, ambitions seemed to crumble as the full realisation of what the report he was holding actually meant, dawned on him. As he struggled to compose himself, his brother arrived home. Telling him the grim news, the brother encouraged him not to lose hope, advising him to continue searching for solution. Four years down the line and Mr Ukpong’s condition had deteriorated. The once vibrant and athletic young man was a shadow of his old self.
Mr Ubon Ukpong
Mr Ubon Ukpong
Plagued by persistent weakness and internal aches, he barely scaled through his education and was unable to engage in any form of strenuous activity.
Introduced to Emmanuel TV while in Yobe State doing his NYSC, he decided to take a step of faith and visit The SCOAN in Lagos. Arranged at the prayer line in 2008, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him in the power of the Holy Spirit. As he stretched forth his hand towards Mr Ubon, he testified, a weight fell from his shoulders. Newness of life and vigour were restored in a glorious and Holy Spirit inspired instant. Several months later, Mr Ubon returned to the same hospital, a Federal Medical Center that had initially diagnosed him. The results were astounding: negative!
Readers, what is your situation? If God could reverse the case of Mr Ubon Ukpong from a positive, deadly and incurable virus to negative – there is no curse in your life God cannot reverse!


Mr and Mrs Prince Emeka Jideofor faced nine years of childlessness, and did not know where certainty of ever becoming a parent would come from, as medical doctors’ diagnosis reported that the husband had a low sperm count and the wife, a tube blockage.
Mr and Mrs Jideofor
Mr and Mrs Jideofor
Described as an emotionally and psychologically distressing nine-year period without a child in their matrimonial home, the couple experienced neglect and abandonment. Mr Jideofor lamented over how it became an unbearable sight any time he came across a pregnant woman. This forced him to sometimes ask God, “When will I see my own?” On her part, Mrs Jideofor is a professional nurse who had helped others overcome their challenges while she battled with hers. Alas! She could not help herself. After exploring a number of sources for a solution to achieve conception without any luck, a friend introduced the couple to The SCOAN where they met Prophet TB Joshua, who blessed them with the Anointing Water. The couple went home, held hands, prayed and ministered the Anointing Water. They then met as husband and wife, and three months later Mrs Jideofor visited a local hospital where she was confirmed positive to being pregnant. They now have a healthy child. To God be the glory!
The couple urged everyone to believe in God even in impossibilities and have faith until the appointed time comes! “God will do it because He is God! God did not abandon me and will not abandon His people,” added Mr. Jideofor.


The snake’s venom seemed to sink deeper. Pain erupted. Mr Chukwuemeka awoke with a scream from the dream. The python, his constant nocturnal companion, had struck again. Plagued by terrible nightmares coupled with barrenness for five long years, Mr Chukwuemeka decided to visit The SCOAN, despite discouragement from friends. Whilst sitting in The SCOAN congregation, Prophet T.B. Joshua walked straight towards him and began to prophesy. He revealed the devilish attacks he was encountering resulted from his idolatrous background, speaking further about turmoils in his career and family. Every prophetic word was accurate, leaving Mr Chukwuemeka and his wife in tears. The night after the prophecy, a divine encounter transpired. The snake that usually came to attack him any time breakthrough was nigh returned once again.
Mr and Mrs Chukwuemeka
Mr and Mrs Chukwuemeka
This time, however, he saw three men clothed in white appear to strike the snake dead and declare his problems over!
That was the beginning of the couple’s breakthrough! The curse of barrenness and backwardness had been broken! Shortly afterwards, his wife fell pregnant. Nine months later, the miracle that God had started at The SCOAN with the prophecy was completed at The SCOAN! Wise Man Christopher prayed for Mrs Chukwuemeka, who was heavily pregnant and was experiencing complications in delivery. Immediately after the prayer, during the first prophetic Saturday service at The SCOAN, she delivered a baby boy! To celebrate Emmanuel TV’s eighth birthday and in acknowledgement of the remarkable testimony in their lives, they named their new baby boy Emmanuel!


Prophet T.B. Joshua drew people’s attention to a particular deliverance that happened in The SCOAN last year. Replaying the video, the congregants were shocked to discover that as a lady was delivered by Wise Man Christopher, a physical vapour or smoke was seen leaving her body, clearly caught on camera. In her testimony, Mrs Prudencia Ngwenyi, from Cameroon, explained that she was from a family stooped in idol worship.
“I grew up with these demons. I didn’t know anything like God, prayer or worship. This kept tormenting me. I was passing through hell,” she said. Getting married at the tender age of 16, her marital home was characterised by constant fighting and violence. However, it was in 2008 when Prudencia opened a Facebook account that demons within her became all the more evident.
Mr and Mrs Prudencia Ngwenyi
Mr and Mrs Prudencia Ngwenyi
“I went to the internet and opened a page on Facebook. I put my naked picture there. The next day, I saw a man who wanted to be a friend.” The ‘man’ said he would help her with $30,000 if only she purchased some items for him in Cameroon. She complied but before sending her account number to him, requested to see his picture. The image that arrived the following day was shocking!
She narrated, “I saw a picture of a demonic elephant. That night, in my dream, a giant man appeared to me, saying I would work for him and seduce men to his kingdom.” From that day, Prudencia became an agent of satan, bleaching her body and going out to look for men to seduce them. It was only after viewing Emmanuel TV and seeing a similar case that Prudencia realized she desperately needed deliverance.
When Wise Man Christopher prayed for her, Prudencia explained that she saw the demons within her actually leaving her body – an old lady, a lion and a big snake.
“All of a sudden, I found myself on the floor. Something left me and another thing came in!” Ever since her deliverance, Prudencia testified that her life had totally transformed. Her marriage is now peaceful, her business prosperous and the terrible nightmares she once had have become a thing of the past. “I thank Jesus for saving my life, for putting the devil to shame,” she said.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Don’t Lose Focus – T.B. Joshua

Last Sunday was one filled with glorious worship and spiritual upliftment for those that congregated at The SCOAN, Lagos. There was evident movement of the Holy Spirit as the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, prayed for people and declared them free from affliction, sickness and disease, in the name of the Deliverer and Healer, Jesus Christ.
The man of God, aided by scriptures from John 16:33 and 1 Corinthians 10:13, said there PROPHET T B JOSHUAis no cause for worry and depression when faced with temptation and tribulation because God is no man that can lie about the escape route He has for Christians.
“Crisis will come but be of good cheer. When you know where you are going, whatever happens to you – cancer or tribulation – cannot change your focus. God is not a man that lies. If the revelation comes that you will get there, you will get there. That temptation is a blessing; it will make you stronger. Don’t lose your focus,” he said, adding:
“That you are a Christian does not mean you will not encounter challenges. There will be challenges, tribulations – run to God, don’t run from Him. Instead of worrying about things around you, the situation you have, run to God. He has promised He will not allow your challenges or situations beyond what you are able.”
WISEMAN HARRYEarlier on, in his message titled: The Words Of Your Mouth, Wise Man Harry took the congregants and viewers of Emmanuel TV to the Scripture in 1 Samuel 17:41-47. He said one thing in common between David and Goliath was that both of them confessed victory. The difference was their faith; David confessed what he believed.
He explained, “David spoke the word of faith and the giant fell. It was the word of faith coming out of David’s mouth that produced an overcoming Spirit in him. When you realise that you will never rise above your confession, you are getting to the place where God can really use you. You must learn the value of God’s Word on your lips,” he said.


Overflowing with joy, Mr and Mrs Linus Nkeamachor from Ireland came to testify how God had salvaged the remains of their marriage and made them whole again through the medium of the Anointing Water. The wife was addicted to alcohol and the family was falling apart as a result of that. She could not get up in the morning to take care of the children and take them to school. There were frequent arguments and quarrels in the home. It was against such a background that Mr Nkeamachor came to The SCOAN where he received the Anointing Water. He went back to Ireland and prayed together with his wife. To his greatest surprise, the addiction ended immediately.
Mrs Nkeamachor explained that alcohol had become her best friend and, as a result, she could not properly take care of her home and marriage. She drank all day and night long, saying she would drink alcohol like water. When her husband returned from a trip to The SCOAN in Nigeria, with the Anointing Water, he asked her to pray with him.
“It was like I woke up from four years of a bad dream,” she said.MR. & MRS. LINUS NKEAMACHOR
She also shared another testimony. She is a mother of three. Her first and second children were delivered through caesarian section. For the third time, she was also booked for an operation but close to her delivery, she had a dream in which she saw Prophet T.B. Joshua pray for her. Then, in the dream, she saw a cobweb-like substance come out of her. She woke up, went into labour and her husband rushed her to the hospital where she delivered her baby safely without any operation.
She advised, “No condition is permanent. Whatever has a beginning must have an ending. The situation you are facing will surely come to an end, in Jesus’ name.


“There is no gain in prostitution. Live for God and make God’s Word the standard for your life. Every man should to stay with his partner,” this was the advice from a young mother of one, Vivian Agbonlahor who was delivered last week from the evil spirit of prostitution. She had to be coaxed to come to The SCOAN by a friend who was concerned by the ungodly and risky lifestyle she was living. When she came, the evil spirit in her was exposed and arrested as Wise Man Harry approached and stretched his hand on her. The evil intruder identified itself as the family idol which had enslaved her and made her to sleep with men. Delivered and free, she shared her testimony:
VIVIAN AGBONLAHOR (3)She grew up in the city and when she visited the village at age 19, she was told that every member of the family had an idol and that she should step into the village river for 14 days, to collect her own. When she refused, she was told that the family idol’s spirit would get her and bring shame to her life. Later, while at a boarding school one day, she heard a voice tell her not to waste her time in bed but go out to sleep with men like other girls on campus were doing. She started prostituting, meeting with all classes of men. She said the voice spoke to her heart controlling her like a remote. For four years she lived this life, from 19 to 23 years of age.
VIVIAN AGBONLAHOR (1)She would wear revealing dresses and wait on men. She would also go to clubs, drinking and looking for men. The money she made, she would spend on alcohol. She went to other countries to do prostitution including Ghana and Cotonou. She has a child but because she wanted more money, she went outside the relationship. The father of the child got fed up and left without telling her. She said there was a time she fell into the hands of a ritualist who told her she was lucky with him otherwise, he would have killed and bundled her into a bag. Such was her lifestyle and its hazards until a friend told her of God’s love and invited her to The SCOAN. After a struggle, she came. That was how she ended up being set free.
“Ever since the deliverance, I have gone through a lot of temptation with people calling my phone to meet me at certain places but it only irritates me,” she said adding that she no longer hears the voice telling her to go out and prostitute. The urge, has completely gone. Praise God!


MR. FRANKIE TAYLORMr Frankie Taylor, a radio presenter, actor and movie producer in Ghana, was a mover and shaker of his industry in his own right. His music had changed many lives in his country and beyond. Yet, he never seemed to get the recognition he deserved for his hard work and talent. In 2013, he visited The SCOAN and had the opportunity to explain his challenges to Prophet T.B. Joshua. He told the prophet that he had been nominated for many awards over the years but never won anything. The man of God prophetically told him, “Faith is a virtue of victory, the best is yet to come.”  He took those words in faith and soon began to see that victory had become a reality in his life. He was nominated for music awards in both the UK and Canada. As if that was not enough, he was soon recognised in his own nation during the 2014 Ghana DJ Awards where he was voted Best Music Promoter. When he received the award, he publicly dedicated it to his mentor of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, at the national theatre in Ghana. He shouted, “Emmanuel!” and the whole audience replied, “God With Us!”
Offering advice, he said, “Do everything with the fear of the Lord, in all your ways acknowledge God.


REVIVED FROM COMA (1)Miss Badenhorst from South Africa is a living testimony of how Jesus’ power of resurrection restores life. She had been involved in a horrible horse riding accident in 2004 that had led her to being in a coma. Doctors told her father that she had a less than one percent chance of living and, if she survived, she would be brain dead. She was only nine years old then. Mr Badenhorsts heard that Prophet T.B. Joshua was in Cape Town holding a revival meeting.  REVIVED FROM COMA (2)He went there and believed that if he could only get to the Man of God; his daughter would be made well. As Prophet T.B. Joshua walked past him, he reached out, took hold of the prophet’s hand and asked him for a prayer. REVIVED FROM COMA (3)The Prophet told him not to worry about his situation. Later, he had the grace to meet the man of God where he explained that his daughter, was in hospital in a critical condition, surviving only on life-support machines. Prophet T.B. Joshua gave him a handkerchief and instructed him to place it on his daughter’s ear. When he reached the hospital with the handkerchief in his hand, the doctor said that his daughter would not make it and was already removing the life support machines. Mr Badenhorst prayed and believed that through the handkerchief, Jesus would manifest His power and heal his daughter. He laid it on her ear and within five minutes, she stirred, exhaled and called to her father, “Pa”. She miraculously made a full recovery. Miss Badenhorst is now 19 years old and training as a pilot – her childhood dream.
“The only thing I can remember about my situation then was waking up in a hospital mentally fit but wondering why I was there,” she said of her experience.  She is a living testimony of God’s awesome power.


MRS. CALLISTAFive years ago, Mrs. Callista Thomas gave birth. Since that time, she started bleeding. She went to different hospitals where a number of scans were carried out. Every time it would show that she had fibroids. The doctors told her to go for an operation but she had a better idea. She came to The SCOAN where she received the Anointing Water. Immediately after ministering it, in Jesus’ name, the bleeding ceased. She went to the hospital to do a scan and, to her joy; it showed that all the fibroids were gone.


Mrs Beatrice Thomas, from the United States and her husband, are strong believers of the evangelical items from The SCOAN such as the Anointing Water, Emmanuel TV and Anointing Stickers. MRS. BEATRICE THOMASThey have placed the stickers at all doors of their apartment as contact points for their Heavenly protection. One day, she was cooking corn maize and when the husband tasted it, he discovered that it was not yet ready. He put it back on the stove and turned up the heat. They forgot about it and went out of the house. Six hours later, the corn was burning and the smoke from the pot triggered the fire alarm. Fire fighters stormed into the apartment to stop the impending tragedy only to discover that no fire had spread into the apartment which would have affected the 20 other apartments in the building. They ended up sitting in the lounge watching Emmanuel TV which is the 24 hour channel for the house. When Mrs Thomas and her husband returned home, they were shocked to see fire fighters there, confused at how the apartment had failed to catch fire and asked them which god they were serving! She told them she worships God through Emmanuel TV to which they replied, “Jesus is a cool guy”. She showed a picture of the burnt corn and advised, “It’s good to always have Emmanuel TV on.”


BABY DELIVERY (2)The glorious worship was crowned by the birth of a miracle baby delivered right at The SCOAN. Mr and Mrs Ben Edokpolor came to The SCOAN in search of solution to the problem of wrong position of the baby in the womb. BABY DELIVERY (3)They had been to the hospital where the doctor told them the way out was through an operation. The couple refused, believing that God would enable her to deliver the baby safely. At that time, there were still no contractions. They rushed to The SCOAN where BABY DELIVERY (4)Mr Edokpolor received the Anointing Water and ministered it on his wife, in Jesus’ name. Immediately, she started to feel some discomfort. Some time later, she started to experience contractions and she went into labour. BABY DELIVERY (1)Wise Man Harry prayed for her and she delivered her baby instantly without any operation. She advised viewers that there is nothing impossible for God.