Tuesday, February 4, 2014


                                               PASTOR MOWA KAMWI FROM ZAMBIA
Pastor Kamwi Mowa from Zambia, testified how Jesus Christ restored his hearing through the medium of the Anointing Water after he was injured by armed robbers in 2004. He explained that the attack by criminals caused him to sustain numerous injuries which rendered him deaf. When people spoke to him, he could not hear. When he wanted to speak with someone, he could not communicate properly. At the gatherings of people where speeches were being made, he had to ask people around him what was being said or ask for a handout of such speeches where available, otherwise it would be as if he did not attend the meetings. People began to communicate with him through hand signs. This was a great embarrassment to him.
“As a minister of God, I found it difficult to convince people that God heals when I was in this situation,” he said.
When doctors examined him, they found that some nerves had been tampered with and that even the use of hearing aids would not help. They told him the only option to regaining his hearing to some degree would be an operation with a 50-50 chance of success. He realized that human effort could not help him. In 2013, he had the opportunity to receive the Anointing Water from a visitor to The SCOAN. He read the Anointing Water Booklet with faith and keen interest. He prayed before he ministered the Anointing Water, that God would have mercy. As he ministered the Anointing Water, he felt a strange sensation and then he slept. In the morning, everything had changed! The first thing that happened when he opened his eyes was that he heard the voice of his wife greeting him, “Good morning” – for the first time in nine years! That marked the end of a problem which human wisdom had failed to solve. He can now communicate and minister properly.  All that had been lost has been restored through the medium of the Anointing Water and faith in Christ Jesus!
Pastor Mowa further testified that after his miraculous healing, he took the Anointing Water to his hospitalized father, a military man who could no longer talk, see or sit down due to high blood pressure and diabetes. After praying with him and ministering the Anointing Water in Jesus’ name, his father began to communicate and sat up for the first time in so long. Later that evening, his father testified that his sight was returning! Medical tests later confirmed that his father’s blood pressure had returned to normal and he was confirmed fit to return to military service! Showing the current photo of his father in his combat gear at the military barracks in Zambia, Pastor Mowa said both he and his father can walk, talk, move, see, hear and live freely. To God be all the glory!

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