Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Mrs Gifty Torubiri’s great-great grandfather was a witchdoctor and fetish man. Apart from being a seer for the chief’s throne in his area, he provided charms to thieves. It is not surprising, therefore, that the spirit of stealing entered his family and developed deep roots that grew to haunt the generations after him. Each family that descended from him had armed robbers who did not hesitate to shed blood. Mrs Torubiri’s own father was a notorious armed robber and died in the act. His killing made headlines in the press. All male members of the family were notorious criminals who abducted women and raped them. Not long ago, she was called to view bodies of her uncles shot dead by the police during a failed robbery attempt. Many people gathered to watch the execution. Meanwhile, all the females in the family have been prostitutes or married to armed robbers. After marrying armed robbers, they would give birth to armed robbers and so the cycle of crime continued. Her mother too lived a criminal’s life; selling Indian hemp and moving from one hotel to another, prostituting herself. As for herself, she always felt something urging her to steal and she has slept with more men than she can remember, unbeknown to her husband. She even slept with her landlord and the chief in her village while married. She could not explain why, but said that she would always desire other women’s husbands and was never satisfied.

All this was exposed at The SCOAN where she came for prayer the previous week. However, what brought her were financial difficulties. Little did she know that the root of her problem was a horrific family curse of armed robbery. When it was time for her deliverance and one of the wise men was approaching her, she was praying but then, suddenly, something within her told her to run away. The evil spirit inside her started to confess that it was the ‘great old woman’ and that it was responsible for the spirit of armed robbery in her family and that it had destroyed her destiny. To God be the glory, she was finally delivered.

After her deliverance, she is free. The thought of stealing is no longer there and she no longer thinks about other men nor desires to sleep with other people’s husbands. She pleaded for deliverance of her whole family as she did not want to be a mother of armed robbers. Her 17-year old son, she said, was already stealing and had recently been caught stealing a fowl, for which he was severely beaten. The tragic part of her story was that every robber in the family would eventually get killed.

Commenting on her situation and the deliverance, Prophet T.B. Joshua explained that when one kills an armed robber or a criminal, it is the body that is killed and not the evil spirit which is the cause of the stealing, killing and destroying. Therefore, the solution is deliverance from that evil spirit. “Once an evil spirit is cast out by the Spirit of God in the name of Jesus, it is caged perpetually until the Day of Judgment”, he said.

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