Thursday, February 27, 2014


Prophet TB JoshuaLast Sunday’s service was another awe-inspiring experience for those that congregated at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria and viewers of Emmanuel TV. Prophet T.B. Joshua preached and taught the Gospel with power, emphasising on the need for ministers of God and Christians to recognise that demons are responsible for their calamities. He said fighting such entities, therefore, needs to be spiritual or the battle will be in futility.
Prophet T.B. Joshua said, “If we fail to realise that there are powers that cause people to be bowed down in bondage, we are fighting the wrong battle. You know what I mean by bondage or poverty. When it comes, it arrests you; it ties you down. Bondage could be temptation, infirmity, all kinds of sickness, crisis, challenges or the situation you are facing and keep talking about. When you fight the wrong battle, the battle will continue”.
Commenting on true Christianity, the prophet said that religious people are without spirituality whereas Christians are born of the Spirit of God. “We are only made Christians by living in the Word of God and by the Word living in us. We are made in our hearts to be Christians. That is, Christianity lies in the heart,” he said. Later, he led mass prayer during which contrary spirits tormenting people’s lives were exposed and cast out at the mention of the name, Jesus Christ.
Wise Man Racine had earlier opened the service with the message: Put on The New Man. The message was a call on Christians to cast away their old self and become new creations in Christ Jesus through being born again. He emphasized that no matter how one conditioned oneself from childbirth, one needs to be born again.
“We need to put on the new man, the new Self who is renewed in knowledge, wisdom, glory, ability, strength, power and grace in the image of his Creator.  We put on the new man by renewing of our mind with God’s Word and submitting our body to the authority of that Word. When you believe in Christ-Jesus, the Son of the Living God, you become a possessor of the Father’s nature. The Christian, having been born again, puts on the new man- Jesus Christ,” he said, citing a number of Books including John 5:14, Ephesians 4:22-24, Galatians 5:16,25, and Acts 11:26, among others.

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