Thursday, February 27, 2014


Humiliated by years of childlessness, Chief and Mrs Anthony Agalivie from Delta, Nigeria donned unmistakable smiles as they stepped forward to testify how God had intervened in their lives. They had been literally written off as potential parents. For 12 years after their wedding, they cried and moaned over their failure to have a baby. They travelled near and far – from one witchdoctor to another and from one church to the next – during which huge sums of money were extorted from them. Chief Agalivie counted over 100 witchdoctors and spiritualists he had visited, all in a futile struggle for the fruit of the womb. Mrs Agalivie described the years as a period of agony and shame. They had shed tears in the closed doors of their bedroom until their eyes ran dry.
Strangely for the couple, doctors could not diagnose anything wrong. Whenever Mrs Agalivie conceived, she would lose the pregnancy. In 2012, she was diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance. One day, as she watched Emmanuel TV, she saw a woman of 53 years testify how she had conceived and delivered a child after using the Anointing Water.  She realised that and sought the divine their case was not unredeemable if they attended a living church touch of God through His anointed servant. In May 2013, she came with her husband to The SCOAN during which the demon behind their childlessness was exposed and they received deliverance.
That night, Mrs Agalivie had a dream. She saw that they were in The SCOAN and a child walked from the altar to her and said, “Give me your hand. I am an Angel sent to you from God to deliver you from barrenness”. When she woke up, she was filled with joy. That month, after meeting with her husband, she became pregnant. She showed her pregnancy to the congregation as evidence of God’s triumph over the demonic influence that had existed in the couple’s life. Chief Agalivie encouraged the congregation by stating that it is never too late for God.

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