Sunday, October 6, 2013


The Bible is well documented with stories of how God can use ‘foolish’ things for the manifestation of His power. The issue of apron by Apostle Paul is one of them. But who could imagine for once that a voice of a man of God, recorded on modern technology, could be used by God to restore life?
Miss Evelyn Mawuli Boni from Ghana, a student of medicine, came to testify how God had used the voice of Prophet T.B. Joshua [recorded from Emmanuel TV] to restore her soul back into her dead body and raise her back to life. Her sister, Florence – a witness to the miraculous happening, narrated how on the fateful day her sister woke up strong and healthy only to be declared dead a couple of hours later without falling sick.Image
Miss Evelyn Mawuli Boni & Sister
She said that when her sister started the day she had no telltale signs of someone about to fall sick let alone die and that she went about all her daily household chores without any slightest complaint of illness. She said when her sister was done with her activities; she went to lay on the couch to rest. Moments later, she said, she heard her younger sister scream. When she got there, she found her lying on the floor – dead.
“She was just lying there motionless. Her body had turned pale. I touched her, she was cold all over, her heart had stopped beating and her pulse had ceased,” she said. Shocked at the sudden turn of events, she cried out for help and soon the house was crowded with people who confirmed that Miss Evelyn was indeed dead.
Since their mother was away, some people suggested that arrangements be made to take the dead body to the mortuary.
Meanwhile, the elder sister was calling on God’s mercy for her sister and screaming, “God of Prophet T.B. Joshua, raise my sister!” She said it was then that she remembered that the dead sister had recorded on her phone a prayer by Prophet T.B. Joshua from Emmanuel TV. Filled with faith, she switched on the phone and played the message to the ear of the lifeless body.
“The message; ‘Sin’s power over me be broken’ had just ran for a few seconds when, suddenly, the body stirred, legs moved and soon my sister was sitting up – to the amazement of the crowd that was now mourning her death,” she said.
Explaining the one hour when she had been declared dead, the 16 year-old sister said when she collapsed, she saw her spirit leave her body and head for the door of the room she was in. It went into the hallway and, just when it was about to step out, it turned back to see Prophet T.B. Joshua standing beside her body beckoning her to come back.
“That is how I woke up. I found that people had gathered around me and when I asked what was going on; my sister [Florence] said I had been declared dead for one hour. To me it was like a few minutes,” she said.
The two sisters praised God for using the man of God to restore a life and bring joy into their family. They advised people to keep watching Emmanuel TV and to download Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prayers. “Always stay under the umbrella of God and stay tuned to Emmanuel TV,” said Miss Boni, happy to be alive again to share the great testimony.

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