Holy Spirit

Sunday, October 6, 2013


 1 - PRINCESS RITA NGBEThe devil gives with one hand and, before you know it, he snatches it back with the other and your situation becomes worse. Princess Rita Ngbe from Cross River, Nigeria is a living example.
She is also a classic case of how, if left to themselves without parental guidance, children’s minds can be defiled and become the devil’s workshop for manufacturing his deadliest arsenal.
Ms Ngbe, 29, came to The SCOAN to testify concerning the deliverance she received the previous week. Recounting her story, she said it all began when she was just 12 years old. She was not being monitored by her parents and became obstinate.
She would be very stubborn and preferred being inside her room. She would lock her room to make sure she was all alone. During those times, she would be reading books, some of which were too much above her age.
On one particular afternoon, while inside the room, a spirit that looked like a small blood-red chameleon appeared to her. The spirit told her it wanted to be her friend and they started to play. She grew up day by day with this being within her, developing her relationship with it unbeknown to any other person. “Because my parents did not pay any attention to me, I did not bother telling them anything about this strange phenomenon,” she said.
Later, the reptile began to give her instructions to initiate other children by rubbing white clay on them. When rubbed, the children would begin to also witness visions of the same red reptile.
Save for three girls whose parents were very prayerful, she initiated all girls that were put under her care in the neighbourhood and warned them never to tell anyone about it, threatening to beat them if they did.
When she entered secondary school, people started accusing her of belonging to a cult because of the way and manner she conducted herself and more especially the company she kept. Little did they know that she possessed powers higher than any cultist would boast to have.
“This made me annoyed because with the powers I had, it was disrespectful to compare me with a cultist. If I felt threatened or harassed by the lecturers or some bullies, I would say, ‘Do you know who I am? You will see!’ and they would run away.”
By worshipping the red reptile, she said, one would be very brilliant in class and be rich but would not be allowed to get married. She would be allowed to live with a man and have children but never to settle down with anyone. She was told never to fall in love.
As Ms Ngbe was growing up and following the instructions of the spirit, she would graduate spiritually and become sophisticated in her powers. She was able to send signals to make people fall in love. She didn’t even need to see the people in order to match-make them. Those people would get married but after two to three months, the marriage would bitterly break up.
But, thank God, she was not able to manipulate strong Christians but only corrupt hearts that would tell lies and fornicate because she had the power to control what people thought with their minds. To those who were innocent, naïve, she would send a lie to them and once they had lied, they were initiated.
She had power in her nails, eyes and forehead. Her eyes had so much power that if she looked at a mirror intently, the mirror would crack. She also had power in her forehead for deceiving people to believe that she was a good person.
“I had cars, houses and cash in my bank. Money was not a problem and I walked with authority,” she said. But it was not to be forever. She fell in love, broke the covenant she had with the devil and fell from her position. The fall was catastrophic. She found herself in jail on an office matter and ended up selling her two expensive cars – a Hummer bus and a Peugeot 607 for a paltry seventy-thousand Naira only. 
In fact, she did not come to The SCOAN in search of deliverance, rather breakthrough so that she would financially be back on her feet. When she came to The SCOAN, she felt very uncomfortable as the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua was preaching love. According to her, she would have been more relaxed if he had been preaching hatred.
At The SCOAN, she was arranged at the prayer line. She brought out her pictures for the wise men to pray for but she was surprised as they did not touch the documents but rather touched her head (her crown). She saw beams of light and heard a voice telling her to confess and be free. Later, she found herself on the floor.
After her deliverance, the good sleep she had been denied for many years has returned to her. In her dreams, she would see herself in a group of people and also strange animals which she would communicate with. All these have gone after her deliverance.
She warned that satan gives and takes away in a jiffy. “I was excellent, very brilliant at school and rapidly rose in my career but when satan chose to take it away, he took it all away in one day. Everything about me collapsed and I ended up in prison,” she said.
She was not without advice: “Parents, watch your children. An idle mind is the workshop of the devil. For the rest of you with strange habits, go to a living church and receive your deliverance. There is nothing higher than God Almighty.”

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