Sunday, October 6, 2013


Fourty-six years can be a life time. To have a stubborn addiction that ravages you for all those years, can therefore be as depressing as it is torturous. Such was the case with a minister of God, Reverend Bones Asamaowel, who suffered an addiction to smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol for 46 years.Image
The 57 year-old cleric told the congregation and viewers of Emmanuel TV that the problem started when he was ten years old and in school. He said that the problem severely affected his behaviour to the extent that he was at one point expelled from school.
He later went to continue with his education in the United States of America. Unfortunately, his addiction to taking the substances persisted.
“It became worse. I would go to clubs for partying and drinking,” he said.
He attended a Bible college and was ordained as a reverend. Despite being ordained, he could not cast out the addiction but continued to smoke and drink. At church he would stifle the urge. At home, he would relent by temporarily secluding himself from family and friends to smoke and drink secretly.
“My family has suffered. From the church ceremony, I would go to the backyard to smoke,” said the Reverend.
He said as a pastor, he ministered in many churches both in the US and Nigeria, but continued smoke, drink and party. Desperate for a way out, he came to The SCOAN on July 21 where he received the Anointing Water. He ministered it on himself in the name of Jesus Christ and from that day, Reverend Asamaowel no longer has an urge to smoking the prohibited substance let alone drinking alcohol!
Testifying in the company of his wife and two children, he told the congregation that the Anointing Water had completely washed out the addiction and he is now a free man, delivered from the chains of the devil.
“People have tested me. Those who have known me for my addiction have brought beer to my face and made me sniff but I can no longer stand the smell,” he said.
Reverend Asamaowel said he now preaches the Gospel and is more effective in his ministry. “For two months now I have not smoked anything and drunk no alcohol. I thank God. I am now free,” he said.
The happiest was probably his wife who exclaimed: “I now have a new husband and a good home. My husband can now eat the food I prepare.”
Reverend and wife thanked God for setting them free and advised everybody to believe and trust in the Lord Jesus saying, when the Son of God sets you free, you are free indeed.

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