Thursday, October 17, 2013


Mr Roman Hetman, is a walking testimony of God’s grace.
“I use my leg to demonstrate how unlimited God’s power is. He used the Anointing Water to heal my leg that was a few hours away from amputation after a horrid accident left it minced,” he said.
Mr Hetman, who is from Poland but resides in Zambia, was coming from a business conference in 2009 and driving his car on a remote road littered with potholes when he had an accident. The steering wheel, gear box and pedals inexplicably just jammed and what followed was a terrible road accident that left his left leg crushed. Not only that, he had a crack in his head. According to him, a piece of his skull came through his ear towards his ear drum so, he could only hear a ringing sound.
He was unconscious as they took him to the hospital. At the first two clinics they visited, they refused, saying they did not accept dead bodies as he was thought to be dead at first sight. Finally, being admitted in a hospital, two operations were done on his leg but did not help; the operations even added to his leg’s mangled state.
“No piece of the broken leg was removed. For three and a half years the bones kept coming out. We tried to look for specialist doctors but to no avail. I was like a cabbage – unable to read, to write, to recognise people around me, to say the food I liked – all my senses had gone and the doctors were suggesting that they amputate my leg as it was severely slashed and hanging from the rest of my body,” he said.
Mr Hetman, an Information and Technology analyst, found himself out of job and reeling in financial crisis. Meanwhile, they transferred him to another hospital where a machine was employed to hold the broken bones and mashed flesh together using metal pins that were inserted into the remains of his leg. The hope was that, with time, the bones and flesh would grow back into place with the support of the metal rods.
During this time, infections would come up resulting in so many operations that he lost count. For a period of six months, the leg looked as if it was healing but then the wound re-opened and the bones became disconnected and infected once again. Fed up, he decided to seek divine intervention.
He came to The SCOAN in 2009 where he received a word of prophecy from Wise Man Harry that the iron would be removed. He received the Anointing Water and went back to Zambia. He began to minister the Anointing Water and, praise be to God, after four months the metal was removed as his leg bones had finally grown back together and the skin healed over. He was miraculously healed. Mr Hetman showed the affected leg for the glory of God. He is now able to walk and move around freely.
His wife said that she thanks God that He heard their cries for help.

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