Mrs Joy Kalu testified to her healing from a leg ulcer which was healed through the medium of the Anointing Water. She had severely suffered the affliction for five years during which her life turned upside down. She could not go to work or take good care of her children. She would spend the whole day at home, hopeless. Her husband was also very stressed as he had to take care of her. She came to The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water. She ministered it on her leg and also gave it to her nurse to minister it on her. Before she knew it, her leg started to dry up and new flesh started forming. Within no time, the fresh skin had covered where the ghastly wound once was.
“I am happy, overjoyed and excited! There is no longer any pain; I can do everything now!” She said and showed for all to see, the scarred area where the ulcer once was. Her advice was simple: “Believe the words of God’s prophets and you will be blessed and healed; every problem you have has an expiry date!”
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