Thursday, October 17, 2013


He wears the most expensive wristwatch in the word that has a 200-year life span – the Rolex, and drives one of the most expensive cars on the market. The story of Mr Haruna Madisca’s rise to life of abundance and affluence is not just the usual from-grass-to-grace classic, but also a ‘phenomenal miracle’ that can only be possible when God’s grace is involved in one’s affairs.
Haruna testifying to the transformative power in Christ Jesus.
Haruna testifying to the transformative power in Christ Jesus at The SCOAN.
The 42 year-old entrepreneur came to testify how God picked him up from the ground, dusted him off until he shone, and elevated him to position of honour, thanks to his interaction with The SCOAN and Anointing items from the Ministry.
Living in abject poverty as a filling station attendant, Mr Haruna Madisca described his former life as humiliating and one he would not forget in a hurry.
“I was nobody; earning just 800 naira a month,” he said.
While searching for a way out of his predicament, he came across Emmanuel TV and was amazed at the great miracles God was doing. The following Sunday he was in the Synagogue!
After receiving the Anointing Water and Anointing Sticker, he prayed fervently with them in the name of Jesus Christ and his breakthrough came that month. People who deserted him a long time back started to call his number and offer contracts. The first was worth 3.5 million naira from a notable person and was able to build a big house in three months. Since then, the floodgates of favours were let go and his life has transformed beyond recognition.
When he moved to Abuja, he became the owner of a large two-storey house. He now dines with the elite.
He said his secret his love for Jesus Christ, listening to and obeying every word the man of God Prophet T.B. Joshua preaches, watching Emmanuel TV, praying with the Anointing items from The SCOAN and helping the under-privileged – a lifestyle he said he has learned from the Prophet.
Philanthropically, he successfully dug two boreholes in his community and is actively involved in skills development in his state. He has embarked on granting scholarships for the needy and aims to do more.
Mr Madisca warned people from seeking riches from cultists and other satanic sources, saying only riches from the Lord Jesus bring uncommon peace and joy.

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