Sunday, October 6, 2013


Ms Vera Benjamin thought she had found the easiest solution to her family’s financial woes when she opted for prostitution at the age of 13.  Little did she know that she was toying with a slippery path to her own destruction. When satan gives you something that seems like apparent peace with his right hand, he takes from you something your life depends on with the left. He is a liar, promising wealth but planting a booby trap in it. Ms Vera lost all the wealth she had accumulated and was about to lose her only daughter to the same vice.
Her testimony started with a replay of her deliverance video taken at The SCOAN Prayer Line the previous Thursday in which an evil spirit in her confessed to having led her into prostitution. Standing before the congregation flanked by her 12-year-old daughter, Ms Benjamin explained that she had entered prostitution at the age of 13 due to poverty which had wrecked her family. She recounted how one day, a man had come to their home and harassed her mother over a debt of less than 500 Naira.
She said the man kicked and punched her mother until she begged him not to kill her but, instead, ask her whatever he wanted and she was ready to do as payment for the debt. “He slept with me and took away my virginity,” she wept. “He even gave me 350 Naira for the debt”.
What was meant to be a one-time pay-off turned out to be an ordeal although the man was now paying for the services. She eventually left her home town to another town where she became a sex worker and started patronizing hotels. One thing led to another and one day, she returned home to find that many of her friends who were doing sex work in Europe had become rich and were setting up elegant buildings in the city.
One of her friends introduced her to a man who took her to Europe where she was forced to sleep with 50 men per day, even when she was on her menstruation. She was introduced to hard drugs to maintain endurance and became an addict. Soon she was making big money which she was sending back home to Nigeria. The money was so huge that her two sisters were enticed and left home also to become sex workers.
She got pregnant and sent her daughter to school in Ghana. When she went to visit her, she realized that her daughter, who was only 12, was into prostitution as well. She was slipping out of the house for weeks, following men and patronizing clubs. That is what forced Ms Benjamin to drag her daughter to The SCOAN. She said she wanted her daughter to be delivered from the spirit of prostitution. But God has His own mysterious ways; she was the first to be located by the Holy Spirit. She manifested and was delivered.
“I started prostitution aged 13, my daughter took to the same trade when she was only seven,” she cried.
The daughter testified that she had started sleeping with men aged seven and that she would hear a voice telling her to go and look for men. “Not everyone was giving me money. I did it because I was obeying that voice, not for money,” she said.
Ms Benjamin advised parents to rise up and exert their responsibilities over their children because, on top of being an evil act, the price in prostitution was too high. She said in Europe where she was practicing her trade, there were so many girls sleeping their way to the grave through drugs, abortions and cold blood murders that go unpunished.
“Mothers, your children are dying out there; they are sleeping with vampires. I am coming from there,” she said and told of how the property she had accumulated over the years had been sold due to a controversy and now she has nothing to show for her suffering.
Mother and daughter testified that after their deliverance, they now have peace and the voices pushing them to prostitution have stopped. They are completely free, thanks to God’s intervention in their lives. Prophet T.B. Joshua asked if preachers used to come to their midst in the brothels to preach the Gospel to them and she said, yes but that her boss told them not to listen to those preachers.
The prophet then said that she would be a better instrument for God to use among the prostitutes, teaching them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He committed to praying for the two and advising them from God’s point of view on how to proceed in their new life in Christ.

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