Saturday, October 5, 2013


Mr Declan who lives in Germany came to The SCOAN a very happy and excited man. Who could blame him? He was now a free man, free from a chronic addiction to watching pornography and masturbation, thanks to God’s power of deliverance through Emmanuel TV and the medium of the Anointing Water. He confessed that for 20 years he had been living a life of shame, always looking at nude images and drawing sexual satisfaction from masturbation. He said the problem started while he was in secondary school and at first, it did not matter much to him until the addiction became uncontrollable to the extent that he would masturbate up to three times in a day. He said even when he finished school and got a job, the urge for pornography persisted and with it, the urge for masturbation, to the extent that it did not matter where he was, he just had to watch it.
On his computer, he downloaded nude images and pornographic videos. Due to the severity of the addiction, he also downloaded the pornographic material onto his phone so that he could take it with him wherever he went. Even at work, he would excuse himself to go to the toilet with the sole purpose of watching the material and masturbating. The addiction had become so chronic that he had no patience for friends or family who came to visit him because they interfered with his addiction schedule. Even when he got married, the problem did not relent but got worse; he did not have any affection for his wife and he always liked to be alone so that he could be free to watch pornography and masturbate.
DECLANOne day, after coming home from church, he was about to watch pornography on the internet but instead decided to browse the Emmanuel TV website which was recently showed to him by a friend and he heard the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. The man of God was offering a prayer for deliverance and Mr Declan placed his hand on the screen of his laptop. He felt something change in his body. Later, one of his friends came to The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water which he gave to him. He ministered it in Jesus’ name and from that moment, he no longer had the urge to watch pornography. Nightmares of a spiritual wife he was also having disappeared instantly.
“I used to have sex with women in my dreams. I would also see dead people. All that is gone and the affection for my wife has been restored,” he testified, to the glory of God.
Advice: Get the Anointing Water and make sure to watch Emmanuel TV as a source of freedom. Stop watching pornography and other worldly things.

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