Sunday, October 6, 2013


Mr Alfred Etugbo from Delta State, Nigeria came out in response to a prophecy he had received the previous week from Prophet T.B. Joshua. The man of God had asked him about his wife and told him to bring her and his family.
He said that he was facing extreme setback in his business and challenges in his marriage. A friend then took him to a spiritualist who introduced him to a spiritual mirror. He was told that the mirror would show him the cause of his problems. The friend had lost his goods and they went to the mirror to find out where they were and what had happened. As a result of looking at the mirror, his friend went mental and it was only after the spiritualist did some incantations that he seemed to regain himself.
Mr Alfred was curious and decided to go back to the spiritual mirror and ask why his friend had become mad. He would ask a question to the mirror in his mind and then the mirror would answer by showing him images. The mirror showed him that his friend was the one who took his own goods and that the whole event was a ploy. He became infatuated with the spiritual mirror and kept on going there for consultation.Image
He had to drink a concoction and pay money before he could look at the spiritual mirror each time. He then decided to ask the spiritual mirror what happened to his car as his car had gone missing. The spiritual mirror revealed that it was his close relations that were involved in stealing the car. The spiritual mirror also showed him how his wife, sister and others were the cause of his problems. This led him to accuse his wife, his sister and a girl staying with them in the house to be involved in witchcraft.
The spiritual mirror even showed him how his sister had stolen his blessings by carrying his daughter and bringing her to him to kiss him. When he asked the mirror why he was experiencing delay in his job, the mirror revealed that his sister was the cause.
The conviction that he had concerning his wife and sister led him to behave strangely towards them in the house such as going on his knees and begging them to release him from his bondage. This he did under the instruction of the spiritual mirror. The spiritual mirror would reveal to him everything he needed to do.
He realised though that although the mirror would show him the problem, it would never provide a solution for him. That led him to look for a solution in various places. He found out about Emmanuel TV and eventually came to The SCOAN.
Prophet T.B. Joshua addressed the matter saying that the spiritual mirror was telling nothing but falsehood and that his wife, sister and the girl were not involved in witchcraft and were not the cause of his problems. He said that the whole family needed deliverance and that forgiveness comes with deliverance. He further stated that there was depression in the house but everything would be over after their deliverance.
Mrs Stella Etugbo told a little of her side of the story. She said that she had never believed in the spiritual mirror. She had bought cars for her husband and had been financially supporting the family since she met him. There was nothing that she did not do for him. She was surprised that at the end of the day, he called her a witch.
Prophet T.B. Joshua corrected her saying that it was not her husband who was calling her a witch but satan and that the whole blame should be placed on satan.
The man of God then prophesied to the congregation and declared people free from their various afflictions in the name of Jesus Christ after which he ministered mass prayer. This was followed by the Prayer Line and Testimonies galore which glorified God; a few of which are below:

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