Thursday, October 17, 2013


Last Sunday service, broadcast live on Emmanuel TV, came with a sweet surprise. For the first time in three years, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, ministered prayer, healing and deliverance at the prayer line. The service, which started at 8am, was miracle-packed as the Almighty God used the faculties of Prophet T.B. Joshua and the wise men to minister to those that had congregated at The SCOAN headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria and viewers worldwide. Those who had difficulties in walking due to various ailments and afflictions were prayed for in the name of Jesus Christ and instantly walked. Those possessed with evil spirits were also delivered, in Jesus’ name.
Prophet T. B. Joshua
The man of God prophesied to the congregants and preached on the issue of faith and the power of the Word under the title: Belief In Our Heart, a message drawn from the book of Romans 10:7, 9. He said everybody has power in his mouth but what differs is the degree of belief in one’s heart – the power to bless, loose and heal, among others.

“The belief in our heart is released by faith out of our mouth. It means everybody created by God has power. If you have not realized your power, it means it is dormant, unused,” he said.

The Prophet cited as example the story of the disciples of Jesus Christ, saying the reason they could not deliver the demon-possessed boy in Mark 9:14-29 was not because they lacked faith, rather they ‘needed the measure of faith’ to release the power. He said the more one’s faith is, the more the power is released.

Wise Man Racine also taught on the topic, ‘The University of God’. He said knowing God is not only to see His works, but to learn His ways through His Word by His Spirit. He said trials and tribulations are part of the University of God one has to pass through before one can graduate, giving as an example the cases of Joseph and Jephtah in the Bible both of whom had to go through suffering to become important people in their society.
Wise Man Racine
The service could not be complete without amazing testimonies that glorified the power of the Almighty God. Below are a selected few and we hope that as you read them, your faith will be lifted and God will meet you at the point of your need. Stay blessed!

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