Saturday, July 6, 2013


Mrs Gloria Aduba’s baby had a chronic case of anaemia which required her to receive transfusions of several pints of blood.  After some time, the doctor suggested that she had had too many transfusions and advised she undergo a test which revealed that she had sickle cell anaemia. Drugs were prescribed which she took for several years but her situation only got worse.
One night the sickness reached its climax and Mrs Aduba, in her desperation, turned on her television, looking for a religious station that could offer her some comfort through her child’s sickness. She accidentally stumbled onto Emmanuel TV, which she had never tuned in to before. She was impressed and captivated by the manner of prayer going on at that time as Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for viewers around the world. She prayed along with the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV and when she went back to the room where her daughter was, she discovered that the sickness had passed and she was happily playing in her room, something she had not done for a very long time.
After that miraculous transformation, she decided to come to The SCOAN and was privileged to collect the Anointing Water. As soon as she started ministering the Anointing Water to her child, the entire crisis associated with sickle cell anaemia stopped.
She went back to the hospital to do another test. Behold, the girl had been set free from sickle cell anaemia. Her genotype also changed from SS (positive to Sickle Cell Anaemia) to AA (negative to Sickle Cell Anaemia), to the glory of God. Mrs Aduba advised that what is impossible to man is possible with God.

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