Thursday, June 20, 2013


Mrs Navone from Tanzania was not able to walk and was bound to a wheelchair for a long time. She arrived at The SCOAN on a wheelchair. She had to depend on her children to do everything for her and that situation of helplessness affected her psychologically and caused her serious depression. She had to stop going to work and would sit at home all day, desperate for relief.
She went to many hospitals and traditional healers but no solution could be found. As she watched Emmanuel TV and saw many testimonies of people with even greater problems than her own she received renewed hope. The faith that her own miracle was possible made her ask to be brought to The SCOAN even if it meant coming on a stretcher.
When she arrived at The SCOAN, she was seated at the canopy section within the overflow congregation. According to her, she was surprised as she saw her daughter crying for the man of God to help her, that her mother was sick. The man of God sent for her and people came and quickly wheeled her inside the church.4 Navone from Tanzania
The man of God, T.B. Joshua prayed for her, touched her and asked her to rise up, in Jesus’ name. Immediately, she got up and started walking without any pain. She can now carry out all her domestic chores without assistance from anyone!
Her daughter, Mary Mboya, also testified to the extraordinary healing which had taken place in the life of her mother. She explained how the constant care and attention the condition of her mother demanded, had become a burden to her. The journey from Tanzania to The SCOAN was not easy for them as they had to pass through several countries and the transfer from one aircraft or vehicle to another was tiring for both of them. Her mother would cry all night due to the pain in her legs.
Now, after the prayer, she sleeps peacefully. She no longer has to use a wheelchair and walks freely without any pain.
Their advice to the viewers and congregation was simple: Believe that Jesus Christ is the Healer and great Physician in this world.
After the testimony, Mrs Navone danced before the Lord with overflowing thankfulness in her heart. She was warmly embraced and
5 Navone from Tanzania
congratulated by the numerous attendees from all over the world who danced with her inside the church.

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