Thursday, June 6, 2013


Mr Sunday Eghele, Edo, Nigeria, had been addicted to drinking alcohol for 25 years. The habit had adversely affected his marital life to the point that his wife threatened a divorce. He was unable to perform his normal duties. His wife who had earlier collected the Anointing Water from The SCOAN, ministered it to Mr Eghele and he immediately started manifesting in a strange manner.SUNDAY He had a dream where he wrestled with some strange beings that came to take away their children. He was able to overcome them by shouting out the name of Jesus Christ. In another vision that followed, he saw a giant man come out of his body and leave. He called his wife to bring the Anointing Water and as soon as he ministered it to himself in Jesus’ name, the giant man ran away. The following morning he woke up and went about his day alcohol free forgetting about the beers stored up in his refrigerator. He has since been free from the habit of consuming alcohol. The regular supplier of beer to the man saw the wife and asked her why the husband had not come for his usual drinks and she told the woman that her husband does not drink alcohol anymore. Indeed, he is free.

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