Saturday, June 15, 2013


                              Mrs Daniel Efeunu
Mrs Daniel Efeunu from Rivers, Nigeria, had the problem of a spiritual husband. She used to have dreams of people chasing her and demanding money that they claimed she owed them. When she shared those dreams with her husband, he advised that she should come to The SCOAN for deliverance. They had sought solution from prayer houses and spiritualists, as was shown in a picture of how the native doctors had rubbed her legs and arms with purported medicinal native chalk which didn’t work. Her condition resulted in a stroke. On the very day she was to come to The SCOAN, Mr Daniel received a phone call from his daughter that his wife had complained of serious pain on her leg and was unable to get out of bed. Her condition became worse to the point that she was obliged to return to the herbalist instead. Unfortunately, the hospital too was unable to help the situation in spite of all the tests and drugs they had administered to her. The hospital discharged her and she had to go back to the house. Once they got back home, they tuned to Emmanuel TV and prayed along with the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. Meanwhile, an old business client who had gotten hint of the problem Mrs Efeunu was having, offered to share the Anointing Water she had in her house. They ministered the Anointing Water in the name of Jesus Christ and immediately, the woman that had been bedridden for a long time rose and walked freely.

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