Saturday, June 22, 2013

''And now America!'' A word from Reinhard Bonnke


A Gospel Crusade with International Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

I have seen God in His omnipotence in Africa. Over time my ministry saw 74 million people respond to the call of salvation. Our God is an awesome God. America has thankfully enabled us financially to bring in this harvest of souls in Africa, but now “the bread cast upon the waters shall return to you.” God spoke to me that the time has come for a mighty wave of salvation to sweep the USA from city to city, from state to state and from coast to coast. And since Jesus Christ is the same there and here, I expect no smaller outcome. America shall be saved.

In February this year we started in little Vero Beach, Florida and the Holy Spirit moved mightily. In September we will be in the AMWAY CENTER in Orlando, Florida and then continue in rapid succession across the nation Gospel Crusade after Gospel Crusade, from stadium to stadium. This is not the day to join the choir of the despaired, but to “blow the trumpet of God in Zion.” This day is the best day ever, because IT IS THE DAY OF SALVATION. It will be a crop and not a flop. My team is now on two active Gospel fronts: Africa and America.

Evangelism must always lead into the church. This is a central truth I have practiced everywhere. I, the evangelist, bring my nets and borrow the boats of the local churches. Together we will cast the net into the human ocean and pull it in, to be emptied on the beach. My promise to you is not to take a single fish, but leave them all with the local churches. Then I will dry and mend my nets and move to the next place.

I am scanning the skies for men and women who pray and weep for the salvation of America. As Bill Bright used to say; “let’s leave our logos and egos,” let’s rally at the foot of the Cross of Calvary and preach the Gospel of salvation to the nation. The Holy Spirit will cooperate. God is pouring out His Spirit with glorious indifference to our differences! "I will pour out of my Spirit on all flesh." And it seems to me He pours Himself into the mold of any vessel. Please let me know if I can count on you. Please.

Find out more. Pray. Get involved at WHATGOODNEWS.COM

God bless you.

Rev. Reinhard Bonnke, Evangelist

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