Friday, May 10, 2013


Prophet T.B. Joshua
Prophet T.B. Joshua
The Saturday and Sunday services of the 4th and 5th of May, 2013 have come and gone but the memories of the happenings would continue to linger in the minds of millions all over the world. We saw countless proofs that Jesus Christ lives; He never said goodbye. During the service, many people came forward to testify of what God had done in their lives, reassuring that it is His will for us to prosper in every department of our lives.
Wise Man John Chi
Wise Man John Chi
Wise Man John Chi gave a moving message saying that our situation is for a greater purpose than what we can see. He encouraged us that if we accept adversity, enduring every pain, we would learn what we should know and our grief would turn to gain and that in the face of unfavourable circumstances, we should stand our ground fearlessly, without wavering. In the message, we were also made to understand that when God is executing His plans in our lives, He designs and arranges events that would continue to unfold until His purpose in our lives is revealed.
Aside from these words of wisdom and comfort, we heard numerous testimonies. Amongst the testimonies given were those wrought through the medium of the Anointing Water, which we can read below:

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