Thursday, May 23, 2013


Mr Christian Nwachukwu Jackson from Ebonyi, Nigeria, came to The SCOAN with thousands of problems but believed God to meet him as He wills. He had been submitting proposals for contracts without results. This had kept him in a state of stagnation for a long time and he was unable to solve many personal and family issues. After receiving the New Anointing Water just yesterday, he prayed and ministered it over one of the proposals he had earlier submitted, fervently praying that God should grant him at least one outstanding proof of His mightiness. At exactly 12 midnight, he received a phone call from the Governor of the State asking his whereabouts. The State Governor asked him to come over on Tuesday morning to collect his approved proposal worth millions of Naira and that the issue which had been giving him sleepless nights now gave him boundless joy!

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