Thursday, May 23, 2013


OP Gyama Gyawiya is the head of security operations in the troubled area of northern Nigeria. He said that due to the nature of his job which was life threatening, he would make sure that every morning he prayed with the Anointing Water for protection. He was privileged to receive the New Anointing Water and he continued to pray with it and minister it on himself every day. One night, he was resting in his office while his orderly was also there on guard in the main office but was sleeping with his rifle under his pillow. Four armed men came to the premises and captured the OP Gyamasecurity personnel at the gate; they arrived at his office and also captured his orderly and demanded for his rifle. They, however did not find where he was sleeping. They took all the captives into a cell, locked them up and left the premises. The next morning, other workers came to work and heard their colleagues shouting and crying for help in the cell. They had to call a welder to break the padlock and set them free. When they were released, they went to the office and to their utmost surprise, found the rifle exactly where it was left. OP Gyama Gyawiya explained that it was the grace of God that worked through the New Anointing Water that preserved them that night. If the armed robbers had taken the rifle, then he would have been dismissed and his career would have been in jeopardy.
His advice to his colleagues was to let the Anointing Water be their companion because their safety is in the Lord and their Refuge is in Him.

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