Friday, May 10, 2013


Mr Friday was young and seeking for power and out of desperation, he received an occultic book from his friend. The book gave step by step instructions on soul-travelling experience. After reading the book, in his dream he was given an address and a phone number. When he woke up, he physically saw a sign post on which was written the very number given to him in the dream. He called the number and was directed on how to locate an occultic temple which he decided to visit. Upon getting there, he was further initiated into the occultic world and given a secret name and another occultic book. The very moment he practiced the experiment contained in the occultic book, he found himself on the roof of his house which marked his first experience in soul travelling.
Mr Friday
Mr Friday

The next day, he ordered for the next occultic book to take him deeper into the occultic world. After reading it, he had another dream in which he found himself on the sea seated on top of five dead men – a further initiation into occultism. Mr Friday explained that the occultic powers he acquired was used to command wealth, attack people and cause road accidents. At a point in time, a man owed Mr Friday some money and he decided to take action against the man using his occultic powers. Meanwhile, a friend had deposited a fridge in his custody and stuck on the fridge was an Anointing Sticker from The SCOAN. As he attempted to travel astrally to avenge his debtor, he discovered to his greatest surprise that he could not. All this while, he had believed that there was no other power above his occultic power. He began to search the source of the power that had hindered his evil plan. That was when he noticed the Anointing Sticker on the fridge. Spiritually, he saw the hand of Prophet TB Joshua in that Anointing Sticker pointing to a Man nailed to a Cross with blood dripping from his body. That was when he admitted that there was a superior power and needed to find out where the power came from.
He came all the way from his base to The SCOAN. While in front of the church, he tried to initiate the pictures adorning the front of the church. According to him, if he succeeded, anyone who passed by the pictures would think negatively about The SCOAN. In the long run, he could not achieve his evil mission but instead found himself inside The SCOAN church where the Wise Men were laying hands on the members of the congregation. Laughing to himself, he thought ‘What are they trying to do?’ The next minute, one of the Wise Men was walking towards him. He felt a hot sensation in his body and that was all he could remember until he was brought forward for deliverance. During the process of his deliverance, his evil mission was exposed and he displayed all the occultic books with which he had been operating. Finally, he was delivered from the kingdom of darkness. Since then, he has acknowledged Jesus as Lord above all. He no longer travels astrally or sees the occultic masters as he has been totally disconnected from them. To God be the glory!

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