Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Daniel Kolenda – in person

In 2010 Daniel Kolenda became the new President of Christ for all Nations. Reason enough to introduce you in more detail to the dynamic young evangelist, who will be celebrating his 31st birthday this year.
Daniel is a fifth-generation Pentecostal preacher and heard the call to take the gospel to the nations when he was just a boy.
He attended the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola, Florida – the place of the sensational spiritual breakthrough with worldwide repercussions in the late 1990s, the Pensacola Revival – and then enrolled at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. He started out by working as a member of the pastoral team in a church-planting project before he had his first experience – at one of the large African evangelistic campaigns with Reinhard Bonnke – of huge crowds of people being saved, healed and filled with the Holy Spirit.
There on the mission field, the Lord renewed his profound longing to take the gospel to the nations. Reinhard saw the calling and the anointing on the young man’s life and realised that he was the successor given him by the Lord. Reinhard, who had been praying for decades for the future leadership of the CfaN ministry, gladly handed over more and more of the day-to-day tasks to Daniel. Daniel thus received his decisive training in the ministry alongside his mentor and spiritual father Reinhard Bonnke.
Daniel’s preaching is followed by amazing signs and wonders – the blind see, the lame walk, those with leprosy are healed and the deaf hear. He has seen people rise from the dead. Yet the most important thing is that the gospel is preached to the poor. He has now led far more than 10 million people to the Lord at CfaN’s Great Gospel Campaigns.
His first book “Your Kingdom Come” is about prayer, a topic that he sees as of vital significance for his work and his ministry. It has so far been published in English and German. Translation into other languages is in the pipeline.

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