Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Last week Sunday, we listened to Ms Chinonye Ubochi who said that she was pregnant but that the man who impregnated her rejected the pregnancy. As a result, she said she had wanted to sell her baby for 250,000 naira. She stated that she had already negotiated the said price for her unborn baby with a particular woman who was waiting for her to deliver. She said that she had told her mother about her intentions to sell her unborn baby and that her mother had said that she should do whatever was in her mind because her mother was already taking care of her other child and the familywere not financially capable of caring for another. She wanted to sell the baby because she did not have a job or any source of income. Prophet T.B. Joshua said Ms Ugochi needed deliverance as it was an evil spirit that pushed her to even contemplate such a inhumane act, promising that the ministry would provide scholarships for the unborn baby and her other child. Later in the service that day, she was prayed for in the power of the Holy Spirit by one of the wise men and delivered in Jesus’ name.MS. CHINONYE UBOCHI & MOTHER {UNBORN BABY FOR SALE}

During this week’s Sunday service, Ms Chinoye Ugochi shared her testimony and explained that she used to have evil attacks at night and had two pregnancies including the current one, from two different men who had each rejected the babies. She said that after her deliverance, she has been sleeping well and no longer experiences nightmares. Chinoye’s mother also thanked God for delivering her daughter. Chinoye was given a cash gift of 300,000 naira for her children’s scholarships from Prophet T.B Joshua and The Emmanuel TV Partners as well as four bags of rice and a copy of The Mirror. They rejoiced and thanked God for His mighty provision and restoration.

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