Friday, February 22, 2013


Precious, from Libya shared a powerful testimony of how she was delivered from the terrible problem of bedwetting which she had from birth. PreciousAged 32, she said the problem of bedwetting had caused her two marital breakups, constant shame and embarrassment and regular thoughts of committing suicide which had robbed her of her social life. In her own words, “I wet my bed every single day of my life; whether I slept in the morning, afternoon or night, so far as I closed my eyes, I must wet my bed.” She was unable to sleep outside of her home due to the shame and indignity that accompanied the terrible affliction. Precious had visited various churches, spiritualists and witchdoctors for a solution but none was forthcoming. Even when she attended a crusade for prayer for the problem, she bedwet that night in the presence of the large crowd gathered!
Precious testimony started the day someone introduced her to Emmanuel TV whilst she was in Libya. Whilst watching Emmanuel TV, she saw a couple who was delivered from the same problem she had after they ministered the Anointing Water. Inspired by these testimonies, she continued to pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV. Then, one night, she had a remarkable dream. A strange man, who had been appearing to her since the age of 12, came with a knife to attack her and cut her in the throat. Then, suddenly, two of the wise men appeared, holding the Anointing Water in their hands. They sprayed the Anointing Water on Precious and the wound immediately closed up and the giant man ran away. Ever since that divine encounter, all traces of bedwetting in the life of Precious completely stopped. She began sleeping freely for the first time in her life and decided to travel all the way from Libya to The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria to testify to the world about her remarkable deliverance.

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