Friday, February 15, 2013


tbjThe Saturday and Sunday services at The SCOAN , February 9-10, 2013, were attended by people with a passion for the presence of God from all over the world. The services were marked by the astounding healings and hard-hitting deliverances in Jesus’ name, sounding a strong spiritual wake up call to an unbelieving generation wallowing in the gloom of their circumstances and adding to the continual joy of those being saved. The Sunday programme anchored on prophecies to individuals as revealed by Prophet T.B. Joshua and the laying on of hands by the Wise Men, punctuated by glorious testimonies given by diverse people to attest to the touch of God in their lives.
During the Sunday service, Prophet T.B. Joshua addressed issues peculiar to different countries and people the world over, with many lessons of life to be gleaned from the experiences of individuals concerned and for the sharpening of the like precious faith. He had, in last weeks’ service, asked the congregants to bring to church small flags of their countries for special prayers. They had obeyed and his prayer centred specifically on the socio-political and economic travails in many countries of the world in contemporary times.
Prophet Joshua said that he carried, “the flags of all nations in my heart.” He said Emmanuel TV would rebroadcast the prayer so that people could connect to it and join him to pray for their own land and people. The flags are a symbol and for contact to the nations worldwide and that the congregation should return their flags to their personal altars hereafter for continued supplication.
The man of God mentioned some of the well known ills of society such as injustice, robbery, occultism, corruption, exploitation, child kidnapping and murder, shedding innocent blood, tribal conflicts and political misrule and mismanagement to clearly illustrate the reasons why there was need for prayer for the nations.
Using Jeremiah 1:10 as a proof text, he said representatives of each country had a duty to look up to God for solutions to their particular travails. He asked the believers and viewers all over the world a soul-searching question, “Everybody wants prosperity but how many are ready to do the work of prosperity?” adding that people needed to be honest and sincere in all they do in order to achieve God’s kind of success. His prayers for the nations took the form of a kind of confession. He asked the worshippers worldwide to take the points raised, one by one which were applicable to their nation and seek the Lord Jesus in broken-heartedness. “We are here today to confess all the sins and wrongs of the lands of our ancestors, leaders and the people. We plead for forgiveness and mercy in the name of Jesus.” The prophet prayed that the Lord should save the nations from destruction and judgement. He also prayed, “Lord Jesus, redeem our nations, lands, continents and countries of all the sins we confess and the ones we have not mentioned” – a reference to the body of evils and immoral conducts which he had already listed.
Prophet Joshua also prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ in humility and faith, declaring “I command all the forces of darkness hindering the move of God in our lands, be cast out, in Jesus’ name. We ask for Your deliverance and healing power on our countries.”

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