Friday, February 22, 2013


MR TAWAH SAMUEL (CHRONIC DRUNKARD)Mr Tawah Samuel, a Cameroonian, was a chronic drunkard. He used to drink eight bottles of beer every single day. After his boss at work met him drunk at work on three separate occasions, he was sacked from his work. All of the money he earned or was given ended up being spent on alcohol. It was an addiction he simply couldn’t stop by himself. However, after seeing similar testimonies of deliverance from drunkenness on Emmanuel TV, Mr Samuel decided to visit The SCOAN to receive the Anointing Water. The day he ministered the Anointing Water was the last day he tasted or touched alcohol! He said that immediately after ministering it, the urge for all alcoholic beverages vanished. Mr Tawah, speaking from his own personal experiences in life, advised the young people to be careful of alcohol and to stay close to God.

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