Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Mr Gift Ayebabogha, a Nigerian Police Sergeant was attacked by armed robbers while he was guarding a bank. He was shot at close range in his stomach and his intestines came out. He fell down in a pool of blood and the armed robbers left him for dead. He survived the armed robber attack because of the Anointing Water that he had ministered before going to work and continued to minister during the attack. He was rushed to the hospital and the doctor put his intestines back. After the operation, he discovered that he was unable to urinate. The doctors had to insert a catheter into his naval and he came to The SCOAN for prayer.
Mr Gift reflects over God's track record in his life.
Mr Gift reflects over God’s track record in his life.
After he explained his story to the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua called medical doctors from different countries who were in attendance on the service that day, to examine him in order to ascertain what could be done medically so that the catheter could be removed.
Gift and the team that traveled with him to India
Mr Gift and the team that traveled with him to India.
The team of medical doctors advised that Mr Gift be sent to India where specialist doctors would be able to perform corrective surgery on him which would allow him to urinate normally without the use of a catheter. A video was replayed documenting how Prophet T.B. Joshua sponsored his entire trip to India, including arrangements for international passports for himself and two brothers, Indian visas, return flight tickets (which were purchased during the peak price season of December), medical bills, feeding, accommodation and spending money. The total amount of money spent by Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Emmanuel TV Partners was $25,000. The medical doctors in India fixed his damaged urinary tract and removed the catheter. He testified that he can now urinate normally and no longer uses a catheter. His medical reports confirmed that his urinary tract is now normal.

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