Tuesday, January 8, 2013


There is no doubt that the church which should be recognised as the body of Christ, is today suffering on a number of fronts, and for different reasons. While many churches spring up in every corner of the globe, and many pastors – called and uncalled – keep ‘spreading the Word’, it should be expected that the church should be strong, powerful, progressive, fruitful, spiritually fulfilling and humane in disposition.
The church should wear the neat garment of truth, on which misrepresentations should have no impact; it should be the canopy under which spiritual shield may be labourlessly enjoyed and appreciated. God, when He is mentioned, should be in truth; His Word should be quoted and referred to in truth; and His everlasting grace should be a ready-made companion.
The church should exist to give power to His Word; to ascertain the certainty and centrality of His everlasting existence, and give power to the doubtless faithful. It should be the umbrella of truth, giver of hope and source of prophetic veracity. It should be the source of deliverance and healing, where hidden realities of the seen and unseen worlds are discovered. It should be the cornerstone of belief.
But the truth is that the church, since the 20th century (as our contemporary reference) has not been permitted to faithfully observe its functions. Self-antagonism, mischief, rumour-mongering, back-stabbing, name-calling, hatred and blackmail are ‘tools’ which the devil is unceasingly using to distort truth and justice, as symbolically entrenched in the church. Today, there are numerous cases of misrepresentation, self-imposed distorted image, media onslaughts, sponsored attacks and reckless opinions being hatched and celebrated by people and institutions as if these are virtues preached to the human race by the Word!
The church, as understood by some, has no reason to be associated with prophecy and healing; it should be a place where gentle prayers are said, and supported with perhaps, tithing. But the church should be all-embracing, because the devices of the unknown and unseen powers, the forces of darkness, include marginalization, self-hatred, mischief, bitterness, hatred and blasphemy among the followers of Christ. These forces have also been there, but today, the velocity has increased to a deadly shocking level. This is because the more the churches in circulation, the more darkness seems to be covering the fields of performance.
Churches are divided among themselves; some congregants of one denomination never have anything to do with the others from other churches. Men and women of God even spread dangerous rumours and publish horrible propaganda in the name of being the best ever to emerge in Christendom.
The Synagogue Church Of All Nations
The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) has not altogether been seen by some Christians (or so they pledge) as worthy of enjoying God’s grace which it has pleased the LORD it is enjoying today. But it is clear that this church does not have a tradition of antagonising other churches, not even proven antagonists of its processes and essence in society. It does not think much of critics but of how people should accept the faith in truth and complete obedience to the Word. It has a clear agenda as ‘an arena of liberty’ – it is focused, programmatic and progressive in its choice of spiritual curricula; it insists on true deliverance and healing, and of giving to the needy (the poor, hopeless, sick, deprived, hungry, rejected and the alienated). It is focused on empowering the true faithful, with the Word as it should be obeyed and preached.
One of the ways The SCOAN has achieved its focus is the aspect of the recognition of true pastors (evangelists, ministry co-ordinators, prophets etc.). The truth is that people naturally take to preaching the Word or founding ministries just because they happen to attend theological schools. But while such schools have their place in the manifestation of Christian commitment, it has been repeatedly proved that they are sheerly insufficient in producing true men and women of God.
Educative and informative as they may look, there are often missing links in their agenda and curricula. In fact, many products of such schools have been known to fail in doing the expected work of preaching and winning souls. Some have turned out to be betrayers of the faithful and abusers of the Gospel. Some know close to nothing about the ethics and aesthetics of true Christianity, and are simply agents of the devil who insist on monetization of prayers, giving anointing oil, fasting and deliverances. Some even go for the flesh in ‘achieving’ spiritual upliftment: the love of money, fame and position has dwindled the spiritual quality of many minds.
But The SCOAN makes it clear – and there are clear evidences in video, DVD and VCD cassettes, to illustrate the truth of this. Many ‘pastors’ have been discovered to lack spiritual fire; they preach in the midst of total ignorance of the kind of empowerment, which should accompany such works. Such pastors even openly manifest evil machinations, as evil spirits speak through them, when they undergo deliverance. Yet, some of such had preached, sermonised, baptised, delivered and healed people; some also spoke in tongues.
The SCOAN makes it obvious that even the devil has a way of counterfeiting God’s own unique manifestations. The devil can also heal and deliver, but has a way of re-investing greater pains, frustration, helplessness, poverty and unfaithfulness in people. He gives them back a heavier burden while pretending to have saved them. Curious minds will never stop asking why ministers with churches and many years of practice should manifest in The SCOAN, if actually they had been delivered! Deliverance is one word which has been so misunderstood in Christendom – yet it is the backbone of belief and faith. The SCOAN makes sure that the devil and his characteristics are truly pushed off people; they are permanently cast in the pit of hell! Ground-shaking revelations occur when people are being delivered – hidden ‘strengths’ of the devil and his agents and their tools are exposed, which means only true, strong and undiluted faith is needed to be truly delivered. That one wears the colourful cassock or bears names like prophet, prophetess, evangelist, pastor, reverend etc. does not confer true deliverance.
Deliverance at The SCOAN
The evangelical work, claimed Prophet Joshua recently, is the most dangerous work but not many people know this.  Spirits and demons have their wicked ways of hitting back at people professing Christianity or calling them evangelists of the faith; they become afflicted with diseases, failures, poverty, hopelessness, nightmares, fears and forms of spiritual attacks. Though holding on to the Bible, they are not immune to strong winds of disgrace and tornadoes of frustration. A man may be a pastor by profession or in words, but not so in heart – according to Joshua. And this is where danger lurks. Insanity, ill-health and even death are located in such realisation. The spirits of lust, poverty, despair, helplessness, sinfulness, hatred and mischief, for example, become part of such fellows; they often love money and fame far more than the work of the Gospel.
Many of such ‘men and women of God’ have come to know the truth about themselves by receiving deliverance at The SCOAN, and, of course, there are other living churches where such takes place.
In The SCOAN, Christians and non-Christians have always received true deliverance, because the Word of God must be pure and thus, sure – in the words of Prophet Joshua. The Holy Spirit has often worked wonders; ancestral spirits, curses, marital failures, economic disempowerment, frustration, shame, impurity, joblessness and afflictions simply give way. Recently, a man who had consumed his and others’ faeces and urine (and his own sperm) for some 16 years was delivered. ‘Pastors’ from all over the world in the grip of satan were delivered. Drug addicts, militants, armed robbers, kidnappers, rapists and ritualists were delivered. And we speak here of permanent deliverance!
God is truth; His Word is true, pure and sure, thus deliverance is power to enlist the service of true faith. It is power to minister to God and to enjoy the benefits of God’s grace. It is the core of spiritual revival. It is freedom from sin, because “It is sin that makes us to be afraid of our heavenly abode” to quote Joshua. He said further that “God answers us if He strengthens us with His strength in our souls, though not with bodily strength”. He believes that “it is God’s Word that establishes; it is His Word that builds”. In other words, to master the truth of deliverance, God’s Word must be an integral part of us!
The roles of the Anointing Water and sticker (which are significant tools in The SCOAN) have been universally acknowledged, as well as their power, assuredness, dependability, reliability and promotion of faithfulness in all who believe. What was thought to be impossible in the world are daily happening at The SCOAN, but not without a price – some Christians find it difficult to agree with its genuineness as a “tool” through which God manifests Himself. Recently, though, Prophet Joshua told his congregants that “In searching for the truth, we must look within and beyond our palace” and that “As truth was older than terror, so it will survive it; it got the start and it will get the race. The day will declare who is in the right and who is in the wrong”.
Finally, he has insisted that God confirms the word of His servants by accomplishing it, by establishing it. God gives being (life) to His Word. You can speak His Word but God speaks life/ being. If He has not given being to His Word, the Word is dead but when He gives that life, the Word becomes life”. The SCOAN, to say the least, is one place in the world where God has indeed made the Word to become life!

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