Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Beware of Evil Attacks From Facebook

Please brethen be aware with different evil spirits which uses internet to enter to people so becareful.They use facebook,twitter,pornography sites and demonic sites so friends of God be aware of it.This days are the last days we must be careful and find God through prayer.Totally we need God.See this testimony from SCOAN of this man.
One day, Mr Fabio Adjavon received a strange friend request while he was on Facebook. Normally, he did not accept Friend Requests but when he saw the person’s location, he thought they were a member of his church. After clicking the photo ID of the person, photos of demons and the devil appeared. As he browsed the profile’s pictures, he felt something enter him and he started feeling sick. He refused to accept the request and logged off the internet but the strange sensation continued.
fabioSuddenly, he started to see dead family members in his dreams, telling him they had come for him and that he would not live to see the year 2013. He received a phone call from an unknown number one night telling him that they were assigned to kill him because they did not want him to follow the calling of God. He was later arrested and put in prison after officials told him his passport was fake. In prison, he heard voices telling him to escape from the prison and commit suicide.
He called a friend to bail him out of prison and made his way directly to The SCOAN. He had seen one of the Wise Men delivering him in a dream a few months before and when he arrived at The SCOAN, that was exactly what happened. He was completely delivered, his life was restored and his way opened. He stated that he realised his encounter on Facebook was more than ordinary when, after his deliverance, he logged into his account and could no longer find the Friend Request that had started the whole demonic connection. He advised the youth to be careful and prayerful with their use of the internet and to choose their friends with care because they may become what they are.
ponographyMr Johan had accompanied his mother, Mrs Sheppard, from South Africa to The SCOAN for deliverance. He said that from a young age, he had access to pornography and that this developed a spirit of lust in him. This evil spirit had since afflicted his education, work and marriage. This spirit affected his career, marriage, and other areas of his life. Yesterday, during The SCOAN Saturday Live Service, Jesus Christ used the wise men to deliver him from the contrary spirit, the spirit of lust which had entered him through watching pornography on the internet and other media. After his deliverance, he testified that his thoughts are clear and that he feels freedom and joy and that the urge to look at pornography is no longer a part of him! He advised the millions of internet users and youth in particular to realise that when they are on the internet, they are in a danger zone. He advised them to safeguard their hearts and minds by using the internet only for a defined purpose and after that purpose, they should log off.
Spirit of lust Twenty-two year old Mr. Tristan Donald from Cape Town, South Africa had a problem that many around the world suffer from. He had the spirit of lust and anger for 8 years which entered him while watching pornographic films. This spirit of lust affected his studies and his relationships with women. From a young age, he had many girlfriends whom he also beat up due to the spirit of anger. He also masturbated and watched pornography on his computer and cell phone through the internet. At night, he would see the same women he watched in the pornographic movies in his dreams. He came to know about The SCOAN through Emmanuel TV and decided to fly from South Africa to Nigeria. At the Saturday Live Service, Jesus Christ used Wise Man Christopher to deliver him from the spirits of lust and anger. He said that during the deliverance, he saw two evil spirits leaving his body and the urge to masturbate left him. He says he can now think more easily about God’s Word. His desire to watch pornography is no longer there. He advised parents to pray for their children, be careful of the type of phones they give them and be with them when they are using the internet. He also advised people to know God’s Word, find a living church where they can receive deliverance from the bondage of satan and give their purpose to God because the joy of Christ in us cannot be destroyed.

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